John McCain daring to lecture the true conservatives? You know, - TopicsExpress


John McCain daring to lecture the true conservatives? You know, John, you are REALLY starting to piss me off. Be forewarned, there is a New Conservative Resurgence building steam. It is going to take back statehouses, legislatures, the White House and Congress. It is going to clean house of go-along-to-get-along, am-I-popular-yet TROUGH FEEDER types like you, who want all the things Democrats and Liberals want, only slower. You, and others of your ilk are sell outs; you do NOT represent conservative or Republican principles. Your two latest betrayals .. a) caving in and letting the the train wreck of Obamacare go into effect; and then, b) having the gall to force it on the rest of us while accepting an exemption from it for yourself and other Members of Congress, are inexcusable breeches of the public trust.
Posted on: Fri, 27 Sep 2013 20:16:30 +0000

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