John Timbrell ex Policeman who tried to arrest a judge is now free - TopicsExpress


John Timbrell ex Policeman who tried to arrest a judge is now free and below he recounts what happened. Its interesting and I love the fact that ex cops are waking up and are on side: Hello yall, Im back home after doing half of my sentence. I really appreciate your support and concerns . You should know that many letters/emails of support I may not have seen because the first communication that I received from the outside world was on the night before they released me. I did not even have the necessary phone card to phone out which I was supposed to be given on the second day. This is due to the civilian staff in prisons being so inefficient or not caring to do what they are lawfully required to do. The harm caused to me was nothing to the torment caused to other prisoners.The prison guards were helpful and courteous to all and were under stress themselves because of the numerous complaints they received caused by the back room staff. I can now explain what I could not do earlier for fear of being stopped before I even got started. I have seen Jacks email regarding the hopelessness of the treason allegations getting anywhere beyond Hogan Howe and I already had reached the same conclusion. Researching common law I think I have found a way to get this before the courts and already tried to start proceedings against a chief Inspector for refusing to record the crime. This is a common law requirement since Henri de Bractonss pronouncement in the 1600s. In common law precedent is everything. A judge cannot go against precedent unless he goes on oath and gives a reason. Should that reason be wrong he can be sued. You cannot sue a judge in any other court. That is why they can get away with making illegal decisions. If one appeals against a judges decision the next judge up is likely to agree with the first judges decision. The Wilderness Centre sale was about to be completed and I found out that the Friends of the Wilderness Centre had given up trying because the council intended to sell it to the highest bidder. The council could have given the centre to the Charity two years ago which would comply with government policy to give communities the chance to run council operations which the council could no longer afford to run. This has proved successful with our local libraries which are all run by volunteers. The council over the two years spent over £400,000 on security. Therefore I tried to use the common law to stop the sale. The Charity knew of my dual aim regarding using the common law regarding treason so accepted my proposal and supported me. To answer the point that a member made that I could not use the common law to stop the sale, I was able to show that I personally would suffer harm by its sale. No one challenged me on that. I would have preferred more time but previously 3 weeks had been wasted by the Gloucester Court who would not issue me with an injunction to stop the sale. They denied that there was a common law court in Gloucester. I had to get Master (highest form of judge) Leslie in the Queens Bench to instruct the Gloucester court to make the court available. On the day of the court I had prepared my order which read that the council should not proceed with the sale until the matter went before a common law court where a jury would decide on the outcome. I dont know of any precedent to follow like this but I do know that if a jury decides that the council did WRONG ( a lawful term. The exact words matter) they could direct the sale to go to the charity. At the court I had about 30 supporters, many with young exceedingly well behaved children. The clerks there said that the judge had directed that, no children would be allowed in the court; that note taking would not be allowed, that the numbers would be limited to 14. I already had served on the judge a notice stating that I was appearing as a man not a legal fiction and that I REQUIRED the court to be a common law court of record. I added to the notice words to the effect that it was MY court and that I COULD MAKE THE RULES IN MY COURT. I ORDERED him to DESIST CAUSING ME HARM . He just ignored me. On entering the court I noticed the solicitors and council people all with pens in their hands so I suggested to my supporters that they could ignore the judges direction. When the judge came in we were ordered to stand. I remained seated. You should understand here that ordering you to stand is part of the process to obtain joinder between the MAN and the PERSON who is the LEGAL FICTION. If one stands it implies that you are willing to accept their jurisdiction over you as is the case in all other courts. The judge told me to stand. I said that I could not do that because it would imply that I was submitting to his jurisdiction and that I was a man and as such had equal status to the Queen AT this court. I said that I have rights and duties whereas he only had duties as he was being paid to be there. I said that he was a man the same as me and his duty was to make sure the rules of court were obeyed. He then started to present my case as if I was asking for an injunction. I shouted out that what he was saying was incorrect as I wanted to make the ORDER. In a common law court the injured party makes the order and the judge should sign it and the court should put its seal on it . It then becomes a LAWFUL ORDER. The judge carried on and ignored me so I had to raise my voice. He threatened to eject me from the court and continue in my absence. He continued and I shouted that he was illegally conducting my case and I ORDERED him to stop. He continued where I then attempted to arrest him. I knew this would be unsuccessful because of the high bench he was behind and because of the security guards. I wonder why they were in court? I had thought this through before hand. It was not an impetuous act. I knew if I did this it would get publicity and I thought that the council would be embarrassed enough to delay the sale. The press had already contacted the council about the legal challenge but the council denied that there was one. I was arrested for assaulting the security guard which was later dropped. This meant that all my witnesses who were willing to make statements in my support were also not required, i.e. hidden. I was brought into court later before the same judge who gave me the opportunity to apologise but I said that had it not been for the two police officers present I would complete my arrest of him. I had a prepared statement outlining the law on his position and my position . Then he went on to dismiss the other case I had against the Chief Inspector for not recording the crime. The whole process was illegal . I am now considering my next move. If I can find a solicitor who understands common law I will use one but I suspect I will have to go it alone. My thinking now is that I should go back to the QBD in London to show what a farce their representatives in Gloucester presented and hopefully establish the correct procedures. I knew it would be hard but never expected it to be this hard. In the Gloucester cells I managed to speak with a solicitor and asked him to use HABEUS CORPUS to get me before a court to justify my detention. He promised to get back to me. After a further 24hrs I phoned him again and he changed completely and said he would defend me when I got out of prison. You should know that I have no dependents so I am able to act this way without harming anyone in fact I felt a bit guilty in prison because I could not communicate with anyone to tell them not to worry. I certainly received an education in prison. My first impression was what a waste of manpower. My second was to compare it with hotels I have been in where people in their best clothes try to impress others in their best clothes about how important they are. In prison all the prisoners to a man did not try to impress the other prisoners. No one asked any other prisoner why they were there. The cell I was in was designed for a single person. There were two of us in there which is illegal because of the lack of space etc. The governments excuse is that they cannot afford it. I compared it with the debtors in prison who could not afford to repay the council tax. One law for the rich and one for the poor. I think there might be more to follow. Makes life interesting. Thanks again for your support JohnT PS. 10 days in prison will be worth it if I can open up the common law courts.
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 21:21:57 +0000

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