John just said, Whats wrong with this country is the attention - TopicsExpress


John just said, Whats wrong with this country is the attention given to Kim Kardashian;s wedding. I countered, No!. Whats wrong wit this country is Jeff Bezos - the Citizens United-ing/Koch Brothers-ing -- the extortion -- against authors and publishers on such a stunning, blatant, unrefuted scale. (He didnt disagree.) But -- again -- unpopular opinion: Enough with bashing Kim and Kanye. Its broad-side-of-bus and boring. Is she a mass murderer? Frankly, I never liked blowhard Kanye until I started seeing how besotted he is; I find it Gatsby-ishly touching. More to the point, and its not trivial: Take a look at the wedding photo- booth pix. This is the most effortlessly multiracial family in America, and that they appeal to the low rather than the elite segment of the country = all the better.
Posted on: Sun, 25 May 2014 14:40:15 +0000

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