John was up late one night browsing the internet like most kids - TopicsExpress


John was up late one night browsing the internet like most kids tend to do. He found a website called creepypasta, and after delving into the website and reading some of the short stories people have read he was quickly losing interest. You see not many things scared John he was a pretty tough kid, but just as he was about to exit his web browser he came across a story called “Jeff the Killer”. “Looks interesting” he muttered to himself. After reading the story a couple times he shuddered, the story was about a teenager named Jeff who got horrible disfigured by a bad chemical burn on his face that was caused by two cruel bullies who wanted revenge on Jeff for the previous day when they tried to rob Jeff and his brother lue, after Jeff had recovered in the hospital…..something happened to his mind all shreds of sanity vanished and he lost all sense of himself. The part that disturbed John the most is the fact of how much Jeff loved his new face, he loved it so much that he burned off his eyelids so he would never have to shut his eyes and obscure the view of his face, he also grew tired of faking a smile so he carved one into the sides of his mouth with a large knife so he could forever smile with that demonic grin of a mad man while uttering his favorite phrase “go…to…sleep!”. Giving one last shudder John switched off his computer and climbed into his bed and began the slow and paranoid process of falling asleep that one has after watching a scary movie or something similar. Visions of the things he had read about flashed through his head, every small noise or disturbance in the room caused him to start with panic. But the image that dominated was the face of Jeff The killer: pale, scared, black sunken in eyes filled with sadness and anger, long greasy black hair and a smile that seemed to rip the soul from your very body. Suddenly a loud bump from the hallway jerked John from his reverie, he listened for a few moments…………nothing else made another sound, in fact if he had known better he would have recognized that as a very bad sign. Every noise had stopped the house made no noise, the sound of his father and brother snoring was gone, there were no cars outside no crickets no nothing it was truly a dead silence. But John wistfully ignorant of this danger sign lay back down and glanced at his clock. This was the moment he realized something was wrong his clock was turned off, he tried to turn on his lamp but nothing happened, the power was out. He got out of his bed and shuffled slowly towards his door and walked out into the hall, he felt for the lamp that was in the hallway and tried to turn it on and of course nothing happened. John looked down and noticed…..the lamp was unplugged; John began to feel very uneasy. He continued walking down the hallway and unfortunely for John he did not notice the tall dark figure standing in the hallway bathroom nor the glint of pure evil coming from the figures eyes. John slowly opened the door to his parents room and switched on the light, the sight that befell him was something from a man’s deeply twisted fantasy, his parents throats were flan open the room was dyed crimson from the body parts that had been thrown hap hazardly around the room, long cuts had been sliced into the sides of their mouths forming sick and twisted smile but perhaps the most chilling detail of the room was the words “GO TO SLEEP” written in the blood of his parents painted on the wall. John stared in horror then in a split second he turned and dashed for the stairs but something grabbed him by his shirt and threw him down the stairs he had been so desperate to reach, John landed at the bottom of the stairs, hard and he could feel his arm twisted around at an odd angle, John trying to recover his breath staggered to his feet wincing in pain. He yelled as he was grabbed from behind and thrown into the wall cracking his head open, then John heard a low, raspy, utterly insane voice whispering into his ear...”Have a good time reading about me huh?”….John didn’t reply, he in fact couldn’t reply the man’s hands were wrapped around his neck and the knife was stroking up and down the small of his back. “Hehahahe”…..”WELL!” “Did you?”. A long high insane giggle flowed from the man’s mouth a laugh laced with torment, resentment, and the madness of a man devoid of all human characteristics and emotion. “Who...” cough cough, gasp “who are you..?”. “Oh my dear friend you haven’t figured it out?” “Poor bastard.” “Hehehehehe” The knife began to stroke faster and harder moving up higher and higher on his back. “I’m the one you pitiful people call “Jeff the killer”. Johns vision was beginning to flicker he started flailing his arms around and trying to hit anywhere he could on Jeff’s body, but to no avail Jeff was holding to tightly. “Oh my dear friend, please don’t struggle you’ll hurt yourself, “here ill make it easier for you.”, the knife moved to Johns arms and slowly with the pain and anguish of the wielder behind it, dug into the crook of his elbow, first his left then his right, slowly cutting sinew from bone and severing tendons as it went. He then dropped Johns body to the floor as blood flowed from his arms forming a pool around the two men, Jeff stood over with John a cruel and terrifying sneer painted across his face, He slowly leaned down the whisper into Johns ear “shh shh shh, don’t be afraid….just go..To…SLEEP!!”
Posted on: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 06:42:37 +0000

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