John was very emotional this morning and I couldnt figure out why. - TopicsExpress


John was very emotional this morning and I couldnt figure out why. Usually its because someone has walked in the room or something on the CD or TV triggers something. But nothing was going on. I was just shaving him. He finally motioned with his eyes he wanted to say something. He spelled out “Happy A” and then I realized he was wishing me a Happy Anniversary!! 25 years today!! I love this man. He started his medication for the emotional side effects this morning. I know it has to be exhausting not being able to control it and I know he is so glad to finally have something that will help. I hope he still keeps all the laughing though!! There have been so many funny moments. I had to sign a power of attorney and I ask if I could put an addendum in to have power of the remote at all times. He just laughed. I help get him dressed every morning and told him he was my little “Ken” doll and I could dress him however I wanted!! He had a half cry and half worried laugh. At least all the nurses like all his bright colors!! We have the BEST nurses. They pray with him everyday. They make him laugh and keep him encouraged. I know God placed each one in our lives. One of the techs ask if she could write something on his white board. At age 15 she had total kidney failure but now at age 25 she has 100% use of them. She wanted to write the scripture that was her favorite during her battle. She wrote...”He will never leave you nor forsake you”. We read this board everyday and change the scriptures often!! Everyday is a day with stronger and bigger movement. It can be something as small as a new face muscle being activated. His side mouth muscles that makes you move your lips together to blow or kiss were seen moving on command this morning for the first time. It seems small but its really HUGE in the stroke world. There are so many muscles in the mouth and face needed to do what we would think is simple. Its hard to imagine having to retrain EVERY muscle to do what they were created to do. But with God all things are POSSIBLE!! His electric stimulation continues. He was strapped to a bike and his muscles were stimulated to push the pedals. He really liked seeing his legs move like that. You have to see it first, like John always says, before it come to pass!! Faith without works is dead. Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. He is getting some help by seeing it!! Our very dear friends came to visit on Sunday. The Gaskill family has been in our life for over 20 years. John was so blessed to have “The Gaskill Girls” sing to him. As you hear in the video he was overwhelmed. Rachel, Ariel, and Moriah we love you and thank you!!
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 17:39:21 +0000

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