Johnny Cash - When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder Get ready the - TopicsExpress


Johnny Cash - When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder Get ready the trumpet of the Lord close at hand , gird your mind and heart with truth of the Lords word, because the flood of lies are flowing out the mouths of word political leaders, warn the people , be a wise virgin of The Lord , just as it is written in Matthew 25 of the 10 virgins, 5 were wise five were foolish, oh my friend , set your heart on the things above, let him who has every good a perfect gift, lavish you with it ,wisdom, understanding, revelation, counsel , power, and strenght. He ho humbles himself shall receive the grace of our Lord, put your trust in his might arm to save, he will make known to you the way it was , is and is to come. Just lean not on your own understanding, when you seek you shall find The Lord, enter his gates with thanksgiving , go to him and you will have peace with God, though the atoning work of Christ, through his shed blood, continue in the faith , lean from him, that you may have rest for your soul. blessing of his grace abound towards you as you consider the height width the depth of Gods love for us. just believe in you heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and you shall be saved, yes this Jesus , who knew no sin, was falsely accused, crucified ,dead and buried, yet in 3 days God the Father made alive, resurrected, he know sit in Heaven beside , the eternal Father, he has become our High Priest, after the order of Melkicdec. Yes the just shall live by faith, and those whom die in the faith , shall be made alive, at the last trump, be you ready in the hour when you think not the theSon of man comes. Be a watchman on the wall, sound the alarm, make straight the way of the , proclaims his might acts, give glory and honor to whom glory and honor is due . This Jesus was rejected, has become the chief commer stone , and has been given a name above all name in Heaven and earth , that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow and every tongue, will confess Jesus is Lord to the Glory of God, hear oh people , and a voice came from Heaven saying this is my son whom I am well please in, listen to him. Get on the side of truth, and be free, when taken before Pillate, he told that politician of that time, everyone on the side of truth listens to me. This is the question, are you on the side of truth, are you listening to the way the truth and the life, he came that you may have life and life more abundantly, John 10:10 now listen there is another who has come to seek kill and destroy, the devil, the tempter, the deceiver of mans soul. He is that man of sin the anti Christ, he is called Prince and power of the air , he comes with seductive thoughts seeking to lure you away from God , and just as it is written in the beginning that he deceived the woman Eve and The man called transgressed the word of counsel God had given the about the tree in the midst of the garden of good and evil, oh beloved, dont eat from that tree, the lies of the evil one and his demonic spirits that go to and fro. Jesus is your tree of life, yes taste and eat for The Lord is good, he is the bread of life, drink he is that living water, he serves the best wine, be filled with the Joy of The Lord , rejoice that your faith in him , his grace have saved you from the wrath of God. That is coming upon the disobedient , whom have reject, whom have stopped their ears , whom choose not to be wise, yet thinking themselves to be wise , became fools, and hearts became darkened . Be wise and live, be wise point the way.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 08:32:54 +0000

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