Johnny Mccance look at this another way please: Radical Islam - TopicsExpress


Johnny Mccance look at this another way please: Radical Islam uses the KGB handbook. Their plan is both cunning and long term. If you examine what has been happening over the last 30-40 years you do see a pattern emerge. If you read earlier literature that radical Islam published in the UK, they told of a holy war against decaying European infidel societies that started 1000 years ago. They see Europe growing elderly, fat and weak. They can already see the ramifications of disaffected youth in our modern European economies and know that trend will worsen. They projected Radical Islam would prosper from strong dominant Islamic communities built with large young families, while the cost of parenthood (what they see as our greed and corruption (they are not wrong)) dissuades non-Muslims from large families. They reason Muslim’s can marginalise local populations then grow regionally and nationally to become a dominant political force. Their main aim in the short to medium terms encourages US to sow radical Islam’s ‘’seeds’’. WE grow their numbers while they simply provide the right conditions. We allow them to destabilise and divide us with terror. Their brand of chaos seeks to hurt Great Britain economically and destroy our balance. They undermine the delicate fabric that made our multiracial society prosperous. They want us back in the Middle East killing Muslims - they want British Muslims to see us as haters and enemies of Islam. They systematically build fear in our non-Muslim population fanning the flames of anti-Muslim sentiment. Their brand of terror is smart it makes us wary of an unseen enemy within. Human nature makes lash out at Islam rather than its dangerous radical elements. They want YOU to attack our largely peaceful Muslim neighbours. They want the rise of fascism in GB to target Muslims. They want British Muslims under increasing pressure and attack. They seek to create a backdrop where Muslims face an angry British public and government responds with unthinking knee-jerk security and law enforcement measures that further compromise basic human rights. They hope that the growing disaffected Islamic youth in (in their millions) will help tip the balance by bringing a holy war to our streets. Our response to radical Islam is already creating fertile conditions that steadily grow their numbers. They are winning. Our government is radical Islams greatest ally. Remember, with nearly four million Muslims already living in GB our salvation is to remain united against this threat. In the scheme of things, Islam outside western societies is an unruly adolescent. If you went back in time six hundred years, where was Christianity? We cannot beat radical Islam by playing its game and we know that, albeit, we see the aims of the British establishment and radical Islam strangely aligned. The establishment fears a time when our society grows older and older with mass unemployment at the other end of the spectrum. They fear the growing underclass. The establishment plans to maintain their comfortable status quo while a majority of the population live without basic needs or hope. Cameron and his kind know what is coming – like radical Islam, our establishment has longer-term vision. They slowly whittle away human rights using our fear to build a repressive police state that will one day (they think) crush radical Islam and manage the underclass that they really fear. You may find yourself one day standing to applaud the subjugation of Islam in the UK and mass internment (we see already in facilities like Guantánamo Bay) not realising that you may be next. Unless things change, we may travel a full circle with a majority of British people living in an era akin to the dark ages – do not be distracted.
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 13:12:02 +0000

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