Johnny Plays Ball By Sandy Stringfellow Ladies and Gentlemen - TopicsExpress


Johnny Plays Ball By Sandy Stringfellow Ladies and Gentlemen -- Inside dope from my anonymous Chicago source Frank... (With unrehearsed attempts at Chicago-slang inflection;-) Little Johnnys put word out to the street; the story is, nothins happenin with Rubios Amnesty bill anytime soon, see? Problem is, Little Johnny lies as often as King Barry and had numerous informal pow-wows for golf, Oval Office meetings, parties; strategy sessions for pals; a good time, like. Got it? How else did King Barry manage to accomplish so much of his Progressive Marxist wrecking-ball agenda without any push-back from Little Johnny? Hes been the key to the deal for King Barry. Whats he done on the Benghazi mission murders, Fast and Furious, the IRS prosecution of TEA Party and religious groups, Holders out-of-control DOJ, TSA, HHS, EPA, you name it. Who do you thinks givin Little Johnny his marching orders? Sure as hell isnt those what voted for him in 2012; but thats not how he operates...never was. Speaker of the House is a heavy-duty kick-ass of the most powerful positions in Washington, D.C. - third in line for the presidency - and Little Johnny is a player on the down low; tryin to stay under the radar. Done himself plenty of good, too. You guys and gals out TEA Party types and true-blue patriot-type Constitutional Conservatives; better keep a sharp eye on Little Johnny and his crony capitalists. They follow the money. Little Johnny came to the big game with almost nothin maybe twenty-five years ago...whats his net these days? Over six million bucks? Probably more counting what goes unreported; not bad for a kid from Reading, Ohio. Thats what we hear on the street, anyway. Who says crime dont pay? Knows his stuff, too, been workin all the angles, playin both sides for years...the SOB runs the House like some kind of prince, always tryin to intimidate the rank and file House members to do it his way or else no committee gig, no re-election funds; no support and plenty of interference. Lemme tell ya, that can hurt; Little Johnnys learned Progressive Marxist tactics...probably got some coaching from King Barry himself, if not one of his tutors. And watch that dirty group U.S. Chambermaids of Coerce, too. That Thomas Donohoe runnin it is playin for keeps; he dont give a crap if it destroys the American Republic...hes just another money-grubber playin patty-cake with the inside- beltway boys. Thomas Ferraro wrote in Reuters what that dude said, like he was some sort of mandarin: Donohue promised to help Boehner get the votes to pass a series of bills to provide comprehensive reform, including a pathway to citizenship. He said such legislation would be good for business, labor and the country, and that he expects final congressional approval in the first half of next year. Were not going away, said Donohue, whose business group, along with organized labor, helped craft the Senate bill. Were just getting warmed up. See what I mean? That Chambermaid dude lies like a rug; says 70 % of Americans support Rubios Amnesty bill when the truth is the exact opposite. Americans arent stupid, yet they get treated like mushrooms, get it? You tellem, tellem not to turn their backs, these dirt bags have no hesitation when it comes doing dirty deeds, no matter how bad it hurts their own country. Maybe they think its already goin down; grab it while they can, you know? Set up shop somewhere else far away when it all comes apart and its every player for his own self. I dont know, but you have to wonder; what these operators do for money and just have to wonder. What ever happened to love of country? Weird, man; theyre all twisted up inside. Dont turn your backs; come out in 2014 and giveem a dose of their own medicine: kick their asses at the poll, and thump Little Johnny for playin ball instead of helpin protect our republic, like he swore he would; swore it on the Bible, man. (C) Sandy Stringfellow / 2013
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 13:26:34 +0000

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