Join Our Fight Against Distracted Driving In a recent study of - TopicsExpress


Join Our Fight Against Distracted Driving In a recent study of New Jersey drivers, we found that nearly 90% of those polled have witnessed other drivers use a mobile device behind the wheel. Approximately half of passengers polled have asked a driver to stop texting, while nearly 33% of participants have attempted to alert the driver of another car to stop texting. Not only is it illegal to text or make handheld calls while driving in New Jersey, distracted driving is not fair to fellow drivers or your family members who care about you. The statistics are unsettling: •There are more than 3,000 deaths annually from distraction-affected crashes.1 •More than 100,000 drivers are texting at any given moment during the day, while more than 600,000 drivers are making calls.2 •Sending or receiving a text takes a driver’s eyes off the road for an average of 4.6 seconds. At 55 mph, that is the equivalent of driving the length of a football field—blind.3 Take the Pledge Help us make Jersey’s roads a safer place by signing the Plymouth Rock Distracted Driving Pledge. By taking the pledge, you are committing to stay focused on the road 100% of the time you are behind the wheel. You will refrain from cell phone usage, reading, eating, grooming, watching videos, listening to loud music, or any other activities that divert your attention. Your friends and family will be grateful for your taking the pledge, and we know you’d appreciate your loved ones also making this commitment—so join the fight and spread the word! Proud Sponsor of PADD Plymouth Rock is proud to support Nikki’s Foundation - People Against Distracted Driving (PADD). This non-profit group was founded in memory of Nikki Kellenyi, who tragically died in an auto accident in 2012 at the age of 18. Nikki was a National Honor Society student from Washington Township, NJ. PADD has spearheaded the advancement of Nikki’s Law, a bill that authorized legislation to erect signage warning motorists that text messaging while driving is prohibited under state law.
Posted on: Thu, 15 Aug 2013 14:12:29 +0000

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