Join me in prayer: **This must be said and after reading all - TopicsExpress


Join me in prayer: **This must be said and after reading all that I have in the past 24 hours, these words may fall on deaf ears or they may speak to compassionate hearts. Either way, as Christians we must take faithful action because our humanity and our freedom is being threatened every minute of every day. I remain unapologetic and convicted by my faith. (Please read on) “There is no need for us all to be alike and think the same way, neither do we need a common enemy to force us to come together and reach out to each other. If we allow ourselves and everyone else the freedom to fully individuate as spiritual beings in human form, there will be no need for us to be forced by worldly circumstances to take hands and stand together. Our souls will automatically want to flock together, like moths to the flame of our shared Divinity, yet each with wings covered in the glimmering colors and unique patterns of our individual human expression.” ~ Anthon St. Maarten In our differences we are united but these differences have become the source of greed and abuse of power. Our husbands, sons, daughters, wives and families are fighting in a war that may never be won by brute force. These heroes -- who serve without question or hesitation -- go fearless into the mouth of the devil to preserve our freedom. We arrogantly sit in the security of our homes passing judgment: our tongues like razors cutting at the fabric of our religious freedoms. If we call ourselves men, women and children of God than we need to exercise our faith. We should be on bended knee in prayer: asking God to intervene and protect the innocent. My heart aches over the assault on humanity. The senseless persecution of Christians by cutting down innocent women and children in these war zones. Glory killings as a test to our faith in God. Our world is caught up in an evil spiral of hatred and love is being trampled beneath the boots of armed soldiers with callous hearts. We need to be vigilant in prayer: not for our own selfish needs but for the oppressed, orphaned and widowed as we are commanded by God. Let us not turn a blind eye to what is at stake and let us not sit idly by deceived by the reality of our freedom with the looming threat. I am thankful for our armed forces and the men and women who serve out of calling. I pray for their families who serve beside them in spirit: overcome with worry and fear. I pray for the weak, helpless and abused who are being struck down by the hand of evil. God be with us all in our hour of need. Remind us to be humble and strengthen our faith to join together in unity under the guiding hand of our Father, King of Kings. My brothers and sisters in Christ this is a call to action....I challenge us all to spend the next week in prayer. Begin each day in silent meditation and prayer for those who are being cut down in war. If you agree with this message and openly accept this challenge than share this on your FB Page. Encourage other Christians to join together in the power of prayer. Let our faith be relentless over the evil that is crippling our world. May God be with us all. Thank you.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 03:04:40 +0000

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