Join the conversation with Grant Shonkwiler! Wednesday, July 17, - TopicsExpress


Join the conversation with Grant Shonkwiler! Wednesday, July 17, 2013 6:00p EB Auditorium Talk topic “How to be the Best Employee” Grant will share the ways he has seen employees be both successful and negative, and will also discuss both his own life and career path along with some other examples he has seen during his career. Bio Grant has been making games since he was 12 years old when he thought he could design a game for Sony to top Pokemon; the game was entitled Pokemon Killer, it never came to market. In Grant attended Full Sail University where he earned a Bachelors degree in Game Design and Development. Right out of school he started working as a programmer for Megatouch Games, a casual game studio in Philadelphia. Following a year he became a designer at the company, eventually ending up as Lead Designer shipping 50+ titles at the company. While in Philly, he helped run the IGDA chapter, as well as co-founding VGI Philly and Philly Game Dev. Grant then accepted a job as a Technical Producer at id Software in Dallas. At id Software he helped finish Rage, and is currently working on the next big thing. He also helped run the Dallas Chapter of the IGDA as well as GameDevDrinkUp. Following Grants presentation we will host a Game Development Networking Mixer featuring numerous grads including Grant, Aaron Melcher from Turbine, Kerry Allen and a host of alumni friends from EA as well as alumni from the local simulation community. The quickest way to gain entry into your industry is through networking so we are bringing the network to you. Bring business cards and a smile!
Posted on: Thu, 11 Jul 2013 17:27:16 +0000

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