Join us for Plants in Human Affairs - Peru Edition May 2015 From - TopicsExpress


Join us for Plants in Human Affairs - Peru Edition May 2015 From the beginning of time, plants have played a role in human affairs, influencing the evolution of civilizations and cultures, human migration, medicine and health care, wars, art, mythology and religion. This four-credit intensive introduces students to the science of ethnobotany, ethnopharmacology, and plants in human affairs through lectures, field trips and presentations by renowned experts. Location: This is a 14-day, residential, “intensive “ format course that is taught at the lovely Willka T’ika retreat center in the Sacred Valley of Peru. It is offered during the intersession break in May, 2015 (May 17 - June 1), under sponsorship of the Center for Spirituality and Healing at the University of Minnesota. It is an accredited course, worth 4 credit hours at the graduate or undergraduate level. Willka T’ika is situated in the city of Urubamba, in the heart of the Sacred Valley with easy access to Machu Picchu and other archeological sites, farmer’s markets and other sites of interest to students of Plants in Human Affairs. For details, visit the Facebook link at: https://facebook/groups/plantsinhumanaffairs/ Or contact Erin Fider at the Center for Spirituality and Healing ([email protected]; 612 624 5166)
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 22:16:59 +0000

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