Join us in congratulating our world-class employee winners for the - TopicsExpress


Join us in congratulating our world-class employee winners for the month of August who were nominated by their fellow co-workers for providing exceptional, world-class care: Shannon Vaughn, Paula Mitchell, Tiffany Moore, Jason Leger, Rhonda Lemoine, Monica Cayce, Lori Louviere, Tiffany Deranger, Joni Garris, and Derek Bonvillain. You can read their nominations below. Shannon Vaughn (Alabama) - Attitude Attitude is everything. For those fortunate enough to know Shannon, the fact remains unchallenged—it is impossible not to love her. With an exceptional and uncompromising positive attitude, Shannon fosters the enjoyment and cohesiveness needed in the dynamic “underground” of the cath lab at St. Vincent’s East by demonstrating compassion under any circumstance. She does not just talk from an office or desk, and she proves time and time again that she has an attitude unmatched. During our recent Snowmageddon event, which left many people stranded at the hospital, Shannon demonstrated true giving and showed her selfless attitude. This enthusiasm always makes its way to the patient. Her willingness to go beyond expectations, provide energy to fatigue, and welcome new challenges sets her apart. Shannon establishes a positive attitude in confidence, dependability and patience, believing in both herself and the team, and setting goals, working hard to achieve them, and finally, having fun. Shannon is well-deserving of such an accolade because her attitude is world-class. Paula Mitchell (Breaux Bridge) - Attitude Paula has such a great personality. She treats our patients with dignity and respect and always makes our patients feel comfortable. No matter what is going on she will chose to do the right thing for clinic and the patient. She is an asset to our clinic and deserves recognition. Tiffany Moore (Corporate) - Knowledge I nominate Tiffany Moore for her in-depth knowledge of CPT (procedure) codes and when/where/how these codes are used. Often times when asked to conduct an analysis which includes studies/procedures/tests it is helpful to speak with a coder to gain more insight of the most appropriate CPT codes to pull. She continues to be a pleasant resource as I work on many analyses; she and I talk through the objective and scope of the project so that the end goal is accurate. I appreciate you Tiff for all that you do and for staying on top of the oh so many changes that come into play in your role as a coder. Its truly refreshing to work with you. Jason Leger (Crowley) - Attitude Jason recently transferred back to the Opelousas office. Working with Jason is absolutely awesome. He walks in with a smile and a positive attitude daily. Jason is very personable with his patients as well as employees. The patients love him and respect his knowledge of Cardiac disease. We are thankful to have him here in Opelousas now because he is a very valuable asset to this office. I do not think I have ever heard him tell someone no, as he is very giving of his time. Rhonda Lemoine (Houma) - Initiative Rhonda is often pulled to the hall from Coumadin clinic to help us. She does it with a smile, always. She does not waste any time. She jumps right in without any questions asked and gets us back on track. She shows initiative when bringing pts back. She know if a PTcINR or EKG needs to be done, often before the nurse even gets into the room. This is a definite time saver and keeps the hall flowing smoothly. Rhonda has her priorities in order, Patients 1st. She talks to patients on the way to the room. She makes them feel like they are our family. Way to go Rhonda. You are a role model for us all. Monica Cayce (Lafayette) - Ownership While at a car shop, a gentleman noticed that Monica worked for CIS and commenced to tell her of the bad experience he had with CIS and left us and was never coming back. Monica took the time to speak with this person and convinced him to give us another chance with another doctor and our new technology. Due to Monicas commitment & dedication to CIS and persistence, the patient did call us for an appointment with Dr. Salvaggio and will be giving CIS another chance. Lori Louviere (New Iberia) - Attitude Ive seen Lori wear many hats while being our office manager. She basically keeps a uniform available in the event that she may need to jump in & work out any last minute issues that may come up. Shes gone to other clinics to work as manager & also as an LPN. This Friday I really felt her support. She often sees things as a work in progress & wanted to lean up our space. She knew that quite a few boxes of closed research studies needed to be transferred, unboxed, filed & labeled in our Medical Records Dept. She inquired, took on the job & worked with Ozaies assistance until the job was done. What really touched me was that she was sick. She would not give up or stop until the task was accomplished. Im very best to work with a great group of people & really appreciate having Lori as our office manager. Tiffany Deranger (Initiative) - Opelousas Tiffany is a new employee here in Opelousas. As she is a recent grad from nursing school, this is her first job as a nurse. She has picked up very well on all tasks as a floor nurse for CIS. She has also taken over the responsibility of the holter monitors and is doing a great job following up. Tiffany is always willing to help someone, as we work together as a team. I am very happy to have her as a co-worker because she takes every initiative to learn and jump in and help. I think Tiffany is well-rounded and will excel at anything she does. Joni Garris (Raceland) - Attitude Joni is the ultimate team worker. One afternoon, we were very busy and had back-to-back tests on our only treadmill. It was after 4:30 and getting late. I dont know how, but Joni managed to get the two patients ready and done very quickly so that they would not be late to pick up their kids! Although Joni is very soft-spoken, she gets the work done and helps others get their duties done as well. She does not get enough credit for what she does. Patients love her because she listens and helps them with true compassion. Her attitude is a great asset for the clinic. Derek Bonvillain (Zachary) - Initiative We have had issues with patients finding their way to the appropriate check in area at the hospital for their CT testing. The CTs in Zachary are done in the Cardiovascular Unit of the hospital and patients have reported to the wrong area before due to the hospital having other CT machines and check in areas. Derek spoke with the marketing director at Lane and got a map from her of the facility. He edited the map to draw in the surrounding streets and marked the Cardiovascular Center for the patients. This map is now being used in the clinic to assist our patients when they are arriving for their tests. Thank you Derek for taking the initiative and creating this map so that our patients can better be directed to the appropriate area for their testing.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 15:16:17 +0000

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