Join us today at 5:00 PDT for Science Fiction Radio Theater - TopicsExpress


Join us today at 5:00 PDT for Science Fiction Radio Theater Workshop at the new Gorby’s Place in the Dark Mall (PVA). Meeting together to read and listen to scifi stories is the bait offered to entice a group of various typicalities to assemble here. Gathering as a group to discover the means to be able to work and to acquire the skills to do so requires discipline and consistency of purpose. And the necessity of a cooperative diverse group is a fact many seekers of a higher purpose for one’s life are willing to ignore. Why reject this obvious condition that has been presented over and over again in so many different forms? Organic life -- self-gratification, distractions, the overwhelming dominance of the conditioning of the machine, the compelling winds of karma ... However, looking at the following excerpt from the Talk of the Month (TOTM) #11 entitled What Is The Work? How Is It Done? may fuel this opportunity to gather as a group, flex our attention muscles and build skills for being in a space together and opening to the work potential. talkofthemonth/totm/totm011.html ’When you assemble a group and begin to work in this way, the group must learn to wait, to have patience; no one can work all the time like this. There are periods when you will just have to wait, and the group must be able to remain together while waiting. It is not exciting to sweep floors; so then you may be forced to assemble another group. ’Or the few that leave must be replaced,’ G. answered, ‘from another group in which they have been contained while waiting for a place in the Work.’ ’And why cant it be just any group?’ L. interjected. ’Let me tell you why:’ said G. ‘If you assembled a group, everyone who assembled with you would be of your typicality or your corresponding. If I assembled a group, it would include all typicalities. First of all, I know what is available, which chambers are empty, and I can recognize when I assemble a group correctly... So I get rid of some, not because they are bad in themselves, but because they happen to have the wrong corresponding to the Angelic presence. I have already explained that work is the assembly of angels.’ ’Thats one of your jobs.’ ’Yes, I have other work, also. Some things I will tell you, other things not.’ ’How can you work alone?’ ’If you want to know, I will tell you,’ G. answered. ‘The fact is I do not work alone... but you can learn to work together in a group, only then might you earn the right to work alone, but if you cannot work in a group, then you cannot work alone. You are a group, that is to say, a colony of individuals working together as a team. And if you cannot get along with these people, you cannot get along with yourself, which is also a colony of individual parts. ’As long as you want to, you cannot work alone. After you actually work in a group successfully for a long time, then it might be necessary for another function. ’If after ten years of study in preparation for the work, why should you all of a sudden decide that it is possible, after sharing work-force in a group, to tap the cosmic forces by yourself, not with a group... that is, if only you can find some teacher who tells you exactly how? ’I do not think you understand what it is I am saying. When you can be in a group forever, only then can you leave; until you can be in the group eternally, and you no longer wish to leave, the group will not really function as a source of Prayer-Absolute for the Absolute. If you wish to leave, you must not leave. If you want to work alone, you must not! It would be very destructive. ’In the beginning, you form one functioning part of a whole being – just one part – like a liver or a kidney. What could a liver or kidney do by itself? Through this group work one can learn self-unity. If this group could function, it could rise together in a hermetically sealed chamber, but for what purpose? To do certain work; and when that work is being successfully performed, it has risen up Jacobs ladder; the lower and higher chambers are exactly the same except in their vibration. So one is exactly in the same space as the other except that the quality is different. Let us say the Veil is lifted. ’Each member of a group is a functioning part of the group. Tonight it works; tomorrow night someone in a psycho-emotional state becomes a blockage. Self-expression is very subjective. When the circle is functioning, the force moves around the circle, but perhaps tonight it does not. The next night somebody else may stop the force. ’I like the word angel. You prefer to call it presence? Then call it presence; call it by some name or other, call it some being or other. You want to say a functioning circle? Call it a functioning circle; a maintainer? Call it that. I do not want to get involved in too much verbiage with this. ’As this work is being performed, radiations occur which have a transforming evolutionary effect on some and an involutionary effect on others, depending upon various factors. If someone in the group becomes ill from these radiations, they are best removed from the group before something serious occurs. It is necessary to keep an observational eye on everyone in the group. ’When the work for that evening is done then the group descends from this voluntary crucifixion in the higher chamber, once again descending to the organic; everybody goes home to work the next day in the usual way. ’They may or may not have diarrhea; they may or may not get a common cold; nothing is changed in their lives, and yet, the following evening they once again assemble. In some cases, they do not assemble every evening. Some assemble only on Thursday nights. Sometimes only on Saturdays.’ ’What is evolution?’ asked O. ’Evolution is not for your own benefit, it just allows you more work of the same; the work is very boring, it is just like any other job, the danger of it is very great, and there is no end – unless you call an end – to your work.... ’I am looking for people who are willing to stand underneath the altar and support it with their own backs, to become pillars of the altar, supporters of the throne. If everyone abandoned their posts, the temple would collapse. ’Suppose that pillars supported the throne and each of these pillars is what was called an angel, each frozen in eternity within its own chamber. In fact, each angel is forming its own chamber by itself, with its own volition. And imagine that some of these have fragmented, shattered or blown up. This work is in support of the throne. Really, even though just a beginning work, it is good practice for what comes next. ’But if you were not already looking for what comes next, you would never do this. It is not just another roadside attraction along the way to where you are going. The present is not just another place on the way to where you are going; it is your destination and your destination may change the next moment. Wherever you are, that is where you are going.” And as E.J. has often quoted Buckaroo Banzai as saying, “No matter where you go, there you are.” So let’s collect our wits, reset our resolve to gather and focus our weekly effort on utilizing the method at hand as a gateway to learning how to work. The first story we’ll continue with is Skulking Permit by Robert Sheckley. The cast of characters are the Narrator - Llara34; the mayor - Rocky; Billy Painter, Jane Farmer, Big George Waterman, 3rd voice at the night market, skeegee nuts voice - Starananda’s understudy vettizon; Ed Weaver, Jed Farmer, Alice Cook, Richie Farmer, 1st voice at the night market, 1st someone, girl giggling hysterically, Anonymous sarcastic voice of agreement, Mrs. Ed Beer - Loralilah’s understudy Lost Horizon; Sid Carpenter, Mar Carpenter, Ed Beer, 2nd someone, water jug voice, Anonymous supporter, Mr. Grent - Kemuel; Mary Waterman, Max Weaver, 2nd voice at the night market, Mrs. Miller, Anonymous voice to the boy, Jeff Hern, angry voice from Interstellar Radio/ Inspector Delumaine - auntiematter; Tom Fisher, Stern voice from the Interstellar Radio - Muspelspark. The second story for today is The Biography Project by H.L. Gold with the cast of Billwh0 as the Narrator; Rocky as Mowbray Glass, the psychiatrist; vettizon as Pinero Schmidt, the science integrator; Lost Horizon as Kelvin Burns, the science biographer, auntiematter as Gonzalez Carson, the lip-reader. See you at Gorby’s Place in the Dark Mall on the Prosperity Virtual Ashram --maps.secondlife/secondlife/Prosperity%20Wharftown/154/99/3202 TOTM #11- Cover Art: “Man”, woodcut by Donner Spencer after an original pen and ink crawing by E.J. Gold.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 22:34:27 +0000

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