Joined the Navy, back in 68... Thought it would be fun, thought - TopicsExpress


Joined the Navy, back in 68... Thought it would be fun, thought it would be great... It was winter at Great Lakes... that was my first Big mistake... Standing watches out in the cold... froze my b---s off, That got old... standing out there in the night.... with my watch cap pulled down tight... Thought to myself, what a fool... If I`d have joined the Air Force... I`d be sitting by a pool... Got through boot camp... we all did... Graduated a full fledged Squid... Went to the Fleet, another trip... going aboard my first Ship.... An old Carrier, What a wreck... but I thought, what the heck... Im only here, T.A.D. than its on to the Kennedy... The J.F.K. was brand new.... I just had to wait a few... A few months before She was done... Than on to Pre-Comm, we had come... Fire fighting, and other Schools... We would learn to use these tools... finally She belonged to us all.. We moved aboard in the fall... These were my new Shipmates... This new Crew, and Capt Yates... Being on a Ship this new.... They expect a lot from the Crew... We drilled, and drilled, and drilled some more.. It was hard, thats for sure... A new Ship is the pride of the Fleet... So of coarse, You always have to look neat.... Inspections and drills, Thats all we would do... And always at Sea, Sailing the blue... I spent nearly four years on that Ship... I wouldnt change, a single bit.... and now its been 30 years or more.... I think about what I joined the Navy for... whatever the reasons, I dont know... I`m just glad I got to go... and serve on this Great Ship, and more... The People, the places, the Ocean, The Shore... The People I met, the Places I went... thats what serving in the Navy, has meant..... Would I do it again? I`m no fool... I`d join the Air Force, and sit by that Pool... Written by Mike Young, U.S. Navy Veteran.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Apr 2014 15:49:43 +0000

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