Joining the My Shteiblech Facebook Group/ Helping us expand and - TopicsExpress


Joining the My Shteiblech Facebook Group/ Helping us expand and grow My Shteiblech. I started My Shteiblech in my bedroom almost exactly a year ago. My idea was to create a simple system whereby Olim in Tel Aviv and Yerushalayim could be updated with things going on, as this was seriously lacking. People were making Aliyah from well run communities and couldnt even find shiurim to go to or what time davening was on Friday night in their local shul here-rediculous! At the same time, Rav Yoni Rosensweig who I was learning with, was writing interesting Divrei Torah on Facebook, so we got together and started My Shteiblech. I started on this Facebook page and then expanded onto a website (myshtieblech) and weekly newsletter (which you can subscribe to via the website). Rav Yoni also gives a monthly shiur in Katamon which My Shteiblech arranges. My Shteiblech has become very successful and effective, especially relative to the limited amount of time I have to manage it, to be a way of sharing details about shiurim and events going on in Yerushalayim and Tel Aviv, as well as Zmanim for davening and minyan times and fresh and interesting content written by Rav Yoni and myself on the Parsha, Chagim and Halacha. The services we have been providing thus far, are now expanding and growing to other areas too and today I launched the My Shteiblech Facebook Group. Over the next few months, we will be starting other initiatives to develop My Shteiblech further to help serve the community in Tel Aviv and Yerushalayim. In order to help us expand, we are looking for people to place adverts on our website and newsletter, as well as sponsor Rav Yonis monthly shiur. Please email me-benjysinger@hotmail if you are interested in placing an advert or just by sending us a donation, to help us provide this crucial service to the community. The My Shteiblech Group I launched today is designed to be a noticeboard for members to be able to share knowledge and information they have that maybe of use to others. You will be able to announce your Smachot, good news, Kiddushim youre making, and events, as well as publicize Shiva details etc. I thought the My Shteiblech Facebook group I set up, is the best way for you all to be able to help each other, as I dont have the time to respond to all the questions you send us on this page. Ive kept the group private, so please message me if you want to join. So, if you need a ride for Shabbat, are hosting or looking for hospitality for Shabbat or Yom Tov, want to know where to get the best quality Arbah Minim, your looking for a holiday apartment for your parents for Pesach (as Ive been asked numerous times this week) or where to find a babysitter at the last minute etc. the My Shteiblech Facebook Group will be the place to come to ask and be helped. We all have questions and need advice, support and guidance from each other. The group will hopefully be an invaluable resource for all us and create an even greater sense of community and togetherness amongst Olim and Israelis alike. This My Shteiblech Facebook Page will continue to post details of shiurim, events, Divrei Torah, Zmanim, times of minyanim etc and the My Shteiblech Group will be where you can share information with each other about more general, mundane things. Thanks for your support. Please bear in mind, the work Rav Yoni and I put into My Shteiblech takes time and effort. If you or know people who would be able to support us (through placing an ad or just sending a donation) in what we do already and help us expand our services further, that would really be appreciated. Bvracha, Benjy Singer.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 13:45:14 +0000

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