Jon Husted plans to appeal federal court order restoring early - TopicsExpress


Jon Husted plans to appeal federal court order restoring early voting hours Husted said the ruling kicks the door open to having different hours in each of Ohios 88 counties, which is not fair and uniform. During the 2012 election ...and beyond, this same judge said we had to implement fair and uniform days and hours of operation for elections in Ohio, Husted said in a statement. Now he seems to say counties can set their own days and hours of operation. My overarching principle for Ohios long-debated voting schedule is that all voters, no matter where they live, should have the same opportunity to vote, Husted said in Thursdays statement. Thats why I have set uniform voting hours for all 88 counties and why I sent absentee ballot applications to voters statewide, so there would be no disparity in access. We must appeal this ruling, because we cant simultaneously treat people the same and differently. More in detail later... -Today’s purported real…PD front-page news propaganda words are Tiny-Tim- Mason Fitzgerald- McGinty... screaming *“…rape…”* in a pretend collusion-ary fight with Cuyahoga County Democratic Judge “absolute immunity” Brian J. “4 generations of public pork Corrigan”--[s] (whose trial court judge’s name “by rule” will not be mentioned on appeal in any of the subsequent appellate courts purported opinions) use of the Plain Dealer front-page article placement as a platform to in feigned indignity grandstand “camera whore” and “sound-bite tramping” I am really a good Cuyahoga County Prosecutor and *“…voter suppression…”* I am informed and thus like my Call & Post flapjacks... with blueberries -not replete with Cuyahoga County Prosecutor Bill Mason-“political- …strawberries…,- Nina Turner..., or her- political- snake-oil-syrup…” U.S. District Court Judge Peter C. Economus purported order is abuse of discretion, oversteps the U.S. Supreme Court holding; violates the 14th Amendment “Equal Protection clause” and is “unconstitutional on its face and as applied…” U.S. District Court Judge Peter C. Economus (nominated to the United States District Court for the Northern District of Ohio by ***President Bill Clinton***) ----(“***…Economus *** order *** ***prohibits*** Husted***from*** preventing*** local***boards*** of*** election*** to*** add),***---- ------***( by***majority*** vote***)***,----- ----***(***more*** voting*** hours***than*** the*** UNIFORM***, ***statewide*** hours***.)***---- ---Interestingly, *** (*****The*** order*** does*** not*** apply*** to*** future*** elections.***)***--- Husted said ***the*** order*** kicks*** the*** door*** open*** to ***having different*** hours*** in*** each*** of*** Ohios ***88*** counties**, which*** goes*** against*** his*** efforts*** TO*** SET*** INIFORM***, STATEWIDE*** HOURS***. ***During the 2012 election and beyond, ***this same judge said*** we ***had ***to*** implement*** fair*** and*** uniform***days*** and*** hours*** of ***operation*** for ***elections*** in***Ohio***, Husted said in a statement. ***Now he ***seems ***to*** say*** (Cuyahoga…) *** counties*** can*** set*** their*** own*** days*** and*** hours*** of ***operation***. U.S. District Court Judge Peter C. Economus is a United States federal judge on the United States District Court for the Northern District of Ohio. Economus was born in Youngstown, Ohio. He received a B.A. from Youngstown State University in 1967, and received a J.D. from the University of Akron School of Law in 1970. He was a staff attorney at the Mahoning County Legal Assistance Association, Ohio from 1971 to 1972. He was in private practice in **Youngstown from 1972 to 1982.** ** He was a judge of the Mahoning County Ohio Court of Common Pleas from 1982 to 1995.** ***Economus was nominated to the United States District Court for the Northern District of Ohio by President Bill Clinton*** on February 28, 1995, to a seat vacated by Frank Joseph Battisti. He was confirmed by the United States Senate on June 30, 1995, and received his commission the same day. ***He assumed senior status on July 3, 2009.*** ***He*** was*** succeeded by Benita Y. Pearson.***(3.) Astute observations…: “Picking voters up in buses and giving them free sub sandwiches to vote mindlessly for Democrats is vote buying…” “Let the Democrat voter fraud begin…” “The judge is an idiot. First off he is saying that people of color are different than white people of the same economical class. Which is pure racism. Second, how in the world did we get better turnout when we had less days to vote? Do you remember one day to vote? Third, isnt there a way of mailing in your ballot? This is a pure and simple political game for the Democrats. They love to create a problem in the minds of the liberals and then exploit it.” “Disappointing, but not entirely unexpected. Judge Economus had ruled against the State of Ohio in an earlier suit brought by the NAACP, et. al., which also alleged voter discrimination of some sort due to the General Assembly revising the many days the BOEs across the state must keep open to accommodate these plaintiffs. That said, let us hope that the Secretary of State of Ohio appeals this decision to the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals, and that the Court of Appeals stays this decision until the Court can hear the appeal in full.” “This is the judiciary legislating. Plain and simple. Based on current state law, there is ample time for everyone to register and vote. In fact, Ohios voting laws, changed originally in 2004-2005 are some of the most progressive nation wide. Motive for changing them is nothing more than speculation. “…it is being done in an attempt to add a wedge issue to the upcoming elections.” “It defies logic to suggest the current voters laws in the state of Ohio are suppressive 24/7 for 28 days, No restriction on absentee ballots. Again, a judge legislating. The law as it stands on Ohios books meets the requirements of the USC and any Federal regulations. Whats concerning is a judge legislating and overturning a states issue. Clearly a states right violation.” “The Voting Rights Act of 1965 says absolutely nothing about early voting. Besides, if this were really a Federal issue, every State would already have the same voting laws, but they do not. Plus, this isnt about restricting anyones RIGHT to vote, but rather just the number of days they are able to exercise that right prior to voting day. That is essentially why it remains a function of the State, not the Feds.” “I encourage everyone to register & vote, regardless of their race, religion, gender, political beliefs, etc. I also favor following Oregon & Washington and basically eliminating in person voting by switching to voting only by mail. That system is very popular in those states with both Democrats, Republicans & independents. According to Democratic Sec. of State Kate Brown of Oregon: Oregon has the most convenient voting system in the country. Since adopting vote by mail, Oregon consistently ranks as one of the national leaders in voter turnout. Registered voters receive a ballot two to three weeks before an election, giving them ample time to research issues or candidates. Funny how two to three weeks is ample time in Oregon, but not in Ohio.” “I encourage all voters to learn about the individuals running for office (and about ballot issues) before voting. Voting simply based on party, race, religion, gender, familiar last name, etc is a huge mistake. For example, there are good & bad among Democrats, Republicans, independents & third party candidates. If you vote based on party label, you may be voting for someone who is corrupt, dishonest, unqualified, etc. Probably the classic example of identity voting was in 2010, when Bridget McCafferty, facing federal corruption charges, still received more than 125,000 votes in the election. She notably won by a wide margin in many Cleveland precincts, where voting by party (Democrat) and the name game are prevalent.” cleveland/morris/index.ssf/2010/11/vote_totals_show_that_we_may_n.html “I remember when there was universal agreement that it was good for people to vote. I dont. It is good for informed people to vote. One-stop registration and voting makes it more likely that uninformed voters will be corralled into the B of E by coercion or bribery. It does empower unions and community organizers, though…” “Reading all of the comments is frightening when you have so many people who just fall in line like sheep behind the Party line, whichever Party line they follow. Dont be a sheep unless you want to be fleeced. Use your brain. Read the backgrounds and history or candidates and issues. Do a better job of vetting candidates than the group that pushed FitzGerald… But, no matter what, vote. Register now. You can get the paperwork from the Board of Elections website. And, if you cant make to the polls, for whatever reason, complete the absentee ballot application and mail it in. When you get your ballot, VOTE. Voting absentee has a minimal cost: one piece of paper and two stamps (maybe three depending on the heft of the ballot). But, if you dont vote, you dont have a voice.” Source: (1.) Excerpted from: “Suppress complaints on early voting; there are real issues in Ohio Elections” Brent Larkin; Cleveland Plain Dealer; Sun.; March 16, 2014; Editorial; pg. E-4 (2.) See also: Bill Masons Miss Butterworth at: https://facebook/pages/Bill-Masons-Miss-Butterworth/680139202029093 (3.) “Peter C. Economus at the Biographical Directory of Federal Judges, a public domain publication of the Federal Judicial Center.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 15:26:27 +0000

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