Jon Voight Slams Obama’s Approach On Tahmooressi, Calls Views - TopicsExpress


Jon Voight Slams Obama’s Approach On Tahmooressi, Calls Views ‘Distorted’ There should be total outrage for his... In a Veterans Day interview, actor Jon Voight slammed President Obama for saying nothing about the release of retired Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi from a Mexican prison, but lauded the release of Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl from Taliban terrorists. Voight called President Obama’s views “totally distorted.” Tahmooressi returned home to Florida earlier this month after spending 214 days in captivity. Speaking with The Washington Times this week, Voight told the paper that the retired Marine’s incarceration “was a total lie,” he said. “He was totally innocent. President Obama has released known terrorist murderers in a trade for an American soldier who was believed to be a deserter,” Voight continued, referring to Bergdahl’s release. Although the investigation into why Bergdahl deserted his unit was completed last month, the findings have yet to be released. Voight also sharply criticized the President for his immigration policy, including taking unilateral action on amnesty. “He wants to legalize all the illegal Mexicans, and every other illegal immigrant from other countries as well. Why? For their vote, for the 2016 election, for the Democrats. It will make no difference on the billions of dollars it will cost the American taxpayers. It made no difference on the latest illegals he let come across the borders a few months ago. Children, unaccompanied by their parents, carrying all kind of illnesses, assimilating them into our society and our schools. “Obama had nothing to say for Sgt. Tahmooressi, who endured this unthinkable torture. He made no attempt to free him. Not one word was said in his defense. Obama’s view of what is right and wrong is totally distorted. There should be total outrage for his policies he will put into action. He must be stopped. Every freedom loving American should voice their outrage against his executive privilege.”
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 09:27:16 +0000

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