> Jonathan C Heritage and other interested friends. Im pretty - TopicsExpress


> Jonathan C Heritage and other interested friends. Im pretty sure youre repulsed by this woman because you dont truly know her. I ask that you fully read and contemplate these words she wrote and then give me a thoughtful response, but do site the facts not opinions. Acknowledge if you can, the sins of obamacare or defend this shameful event that has hurt millions of hard working people in the hopes of helping those who would not and in a few cases could not help themselves. I speak about the kids who wasted the free education they got like Jeff Robinson. For many reasons obama deserves impeachment proceedings. I said proceeding then let the trail begin. The incompetence of the cabinet members he has surrounded himself with and money wasted is beyond comprehension. Can you simply address his failures and successes without blaming the other party? If you cannot see the failures of this administration and its because we cant get congress to agree, then I dont see you as a hope for America. Fix your own party! The white house does not have republicans working there, and the bosses there are able to to make the final decisions on everything IRS, Health, Labor, Spying, Foreign Affairs, nobama care. Notice after the failure it is now called the affordable care act. If the ruling party showed intelligent successful decisions on what it has total control over, it would be easy to win bipartisan support. If I had one son who was making wise decisions and one son who was a fool, should I entrust my assets to them both equally? Read the bible Matthew 25:14-30. Read the bible Matthew 25:14-30. This is my answer to your last comment to me over the cartoon. P.S. I am not a republican , I am an American ! By the way a true racist is one that sees racism behind every eye and every corner, here and there , because that is the total focus. Rose-colored glasses and the law of Attraction. When the media is afraid to point out failures because someone might call them racist, then they keep mum. This reverse racism :Oh we cant say this or that because of our president is half white this false political correctness is in itself, the worst form of racism. People yell racism when they themselves are failures (take the focus off themselves) because it is easy to intimidate the one that sees your True Nature, looking beyond your skin. When the focus is on you (or him) , quickly find a way to divert it somewhere else....That is what I see these days most often. That is what the cartoon was about. For you to be the man you claim you want to be Jon, you are going to have to walk away from the friends and people and jobs that are in your past. When you hear or talk about things you share in common with these people your reinforcement of currently held beliefs can never be overcomed. You will not change, except to become more embittered at those things you keep reinforcing . Hang out in a monk monastery and return the American Dalai Lama. How enlightening and freeing it could be to be free of fault finding and making decisions from a place within you that is CENTERED! I could take my own advice there! The true task for all of us is to pick something broken and come up with workable solutions and fix it without giving credit or blame to a political party. I want to see an American Party! Government leaders need to have a knights of the round table and listen to the employees that work at the bottom, that deal with the real problems with citizens. Congress is suppose to hear the public and follow their desires not lobbyists. Imagine if all the thousands of bosses in government did the same, listen to the people who deal with the day to day problems! Then the obama website would be working! 10/31/13 Read the bible Matthew 25:14-30. . .
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 20:40:27 +0000

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