Jonathan: Promise fulfilled as historic International Flight lands - TopicsExpress


Jonathan: Promise fulfilled as historic International Flight lands in Enugu. During my campaign for election as President in 2011, one of the promises I made to Nigerians was to bring about transformation of the national economy. This promise is being delivered in the South East Geo-political Zone through, amongst otherkey interventions; the transformational work going on not only here at Akanu Ibiam International Airport in Enugu, but also at the Sam Mbakwe International Cargo Airport, Owerri”, President Jonathan declared on Saturday, May 18, 2013 during the Foundation Laying/Commissioning Ceremony of the remodeled Akanu Ibiam International Airport, Enugu. Jonathan Indeed, President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan’s Transformation Agenda is getting full expression in the Aviation sector not only in the renewal of airport infrastructure, especiallyTerminal rehabilitation and upgrade, but also very poignantly for the people of the South East, as the first international flight operated by Ethiopian Airlines lands at the Akanu Ibiam International Airport, Enugu today, August 24, 2013. For the people of the land-locked region and it’s environs stretching to the South South and parts of the Middle Belt, it has been a long dream come true; almost like a Long Walk To Freedom. Although the Enugu airport had in fact borne the name ‘International’ since it wasofficially so designated on December 17, 2010 by then Acting President Jonathan, all hope of actually playing host to international flights had remained forlorn for the people of the region-until today, that is! When the President rolled out his Transformation Agenda with promises of a new dawn, a lot of hopes were expectedly raised. Now those hopes have crystalized into reality for people from the South East zone who were assured that the Akanu Ibiam International Airport, Enugu, would truly answer its name in the lifetime of the JonathanPresidency. This is concrete proof that this President keeps promises once they are made. This historic international flight, perhaps the first since after the Civil War, is both symbolic and revolutionary. It symbolizes the end of an era where an entire region was almost shut out from the rest of the world, literally speaking, to one where the same enclave is now open to a new and exciting world of endless possibilities. According to President Jonathan, “the South East Region of Nigeria, with this international airport, can confidently say to the world ‘we are open for business’! The region and it’s environs is indeed open for business. This inaugural flight is equally revolutionary as this singular development will certainly change the way of life of the inhabitants of the region, forever. Before now, anyone residing in the zone and hoping to embark on international trip to other African, Asian, European and American countries had to suffer the agony of traveling to either Port Harcourt, Lagos, Abuja or Kano not out of choice but compulsion, to catch a flight. President Jonathan lamented this much at the same occasion when he stated thus: ”There was a very good reason for the decision to confer international status on this airport. As I am sure you all know, Enugu is thegateway to the South East Region, the home ofentrepreneurship in Nigeria. With such a large number of enterprising people with a huge propensity to travel both within and outside the country pursuing various business interests, people of this region have always had to travel first, either to Lagos, Port Harcourt, Abuja or Kano in order to be able to travel out of the country on business trips. ” As business people, speed and time are of the essence. Thus the ability to travel directly toyour destination abroad or as directly from your base as possible, increases the speed of your transactions by reducing the time you spend traveling to and from there. The same applies to goods procured abroad and air-freighted into the country for business purposes. The more directly imported goods can be air-freighted to the region for its businessmen and women, the faster their goods and products can get to the market”. The President could not have said it more succinctly. Interestingly, all this lamentation and agony is over. Ethiopian airlines, taking fulladvantage of world-class infrastructure at the airport, has banished all that agony and miseryto the trash can of history as a whole new experience unfolds. For a people known for their industry and enterprise, the opportunities which this international airport offer for the socio-economic development of the region are huge and boundless. With a large population of international businessmen and entrepreneurs, the zone could not have asked for anything better
Posted on: Sat, 24 Aug 2013 05:29:54 +0000

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