Joplin is home! We went to pick him up at about 7 am. We had a - TopicsExpress


Joplin is home! We went to pick him up at about 7 am. We had a nice chat with the vet who has been caring for him most of the weekend, and she had her staff contact our regular vet practice to ensure that we had the best vet to work with on long term care (in fact she had worked at the E-vet before joining the regular practice). Joplin was more alert this morning and able to walk. He was not completely aware of things but getting there, has not been able to pee on his own, and is clearly in the postictus stage, which is what occurs for a short to lengthy period after the actual seizures occur. The good news is that his last seizure was yesterday afternoon, and he is completely calm and sleeping now. Joplin has been put on Keppra 3 times a day, which is supposed to be a very good maintenance drug, without as many side effects as other options. If this does not work well for him, the next step will be to put him on Zonistamide. This is apparently the recommended protocol of the Purdue School of Veterinary Medicine. Joplin, Bob an I want to thank all of our friends and supporters in Corgi Nation! You have no idea how much you have helped all of us get through this. We always knew that Joplin might have some ongoing problems after the attack he had last year, but we did not realize just how fast something like this could come on, or how greatly if would affect him. We so appreciate all of the information and advice that has been shared, and I am incredibly grateful for all of the people who asked to assist us with the cost of Joplins care.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 18:20:59 +0000

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