Jories Numerology Chat ********GOODBYE, JULY.........HELLO, - TopicsExpress


Jories Numerology Chat ********GOODBYE, JULY.........HELLO, AUGUST!!!******** Okay, friends, heres my super-sized energy report looking back on July and moving forward toward August! Feel free to like, comment, and share--that is the best way to ensure you will see future posts from this page... This year, July was influenced by the numbers 5 and 7. Both of these numbers are mind numbers which influenced a whole lot of thinking (as in overthinking!) and contemplation this month... 5 is an unpredictable and fluid energy which kept us all guessing and wondering what will happen next... 5 invites change and freedom so those two things may have been on your mind this past month... 7 had us digging deep, soul-searching and asking ourselves what it is we really want. These numbers may have asked you to consider change and to reflect on possible options... Many of you have reported you feel lost and uncertain... Several of you have mentioned to me that you dont know what direction to take... This is all part of the process and divinely orchestrated... 7 is here to help us find faith--often that can push us into situations where faith is required... Since 2014 is a universal 7 year, many of us are being invited to seek, find, and keep the faith. The definition of faith is complete trust or confidence in someone or something. This year, we are being asked to believe in things we cannot see--to believe in possibilities, to believe we can line up with our desires, and to believe (most importantly) in ourselves... This is all part of the evolution of consciousness as we learn to be true to ourselves and to trust our abilities to make positive changes in our lives and, therefore, the planet as a whole... For those of you who have studied manifestation, you know that believing is receiving... In numerology, 7 comes before 8... 7 says believe in the possibilities and then 8 takes (inspired) action to bring our desires into physical form... We are now heading into an 8 month (August) and an entire year of 8 next year (2015). If you have felt stuck or confused, you are called to have faith, and to trust the natural order of things... Since 8 is more of a physical month and year, the 7 period (July, and the whole of 2014) is a time for rest and rejuvenation--a time to figure things out so that when the time comes to take action, (during the 8 energys influence), we have clarity and are ready to take the next logical step... I have adjusted my daily forecast info to apply it to the months of July and August... The energy should shift around July 28th-29th... You may start to feel that you have more clarity, ambition, and drive... Things should start to take shape... July was a 5/7 month... Keywords (5): Freedom, fun, excitement, change, open-mindedness, unpredictability, drama, boldness, sensuality, indulgence, surprises, procrastination, entrepreneurship, sales/promotion/marketing Keywords (7): Solitude, quiet, contemplation, nature, outdoors, meditation, stoic, hermit-like, spirituality, faith-seeking, intuition, Zen-like, analytical, intellectual, research, science, irritability, unemotional Great month for (5): Breaking free, taking time off, getting out of the house, eating out, trying new things, indulging, making a change, selling a product or service, promoting your business, having fun, satisfying curiosities, exploring, traveling, exercising, celebrating, going with the flow Great month for (7): Spending time alone, communing with nature, meditation, listening to birds, appreciating nature’s beauty and tranquility, spending time near or in water, doing research, focusing, analyzing, studying, science-related subjects, tapping into your intuition, spiritual matters, journaling, keeping the faith, detoxification, unplugging, retreating, turning off the phone and TV, contemplation, taking a sea salt bath What you might feel or witness (5): Things changing at the last minute, out-of-the blue occurrences, a lot of activity, lack of grounding, high-energy, overindulgence, drama, temptation, procrastination, restlessness, emotional ups and downs What you might feel or witness (7): Aloofness, lack of emotion, reclusion, irritation, agitation, snippiness, sensitivity to noise, lack of desire to socialize, lack of interest in communication, coldness, relationship stress, overanalyzing August is a 6/8 month... Keywords (6): Home, family, nurturing, responsibilities, cooking, gardening, decorating, artistic, musical, romantic, love, photography, generosity, harmony, healing, grounded, marriage/divorce Keywords (8): Productivity, grounded, abundance, manifestation, power, authority, control, finances, business, work, taking charge, action Great month for (6): Staying home, sleeping in, spending time with family, taking care of others, handling responsibilities, cooking, catering, redecorating, relocating, gardening, healing others, giving, being artistic, taking photos Great month for (8): Taking control of your life, setting and accomplishing goals, making things happen, getting a lot done, strategizing, making long term plans, business dealings, paying bills, focusing on work and finances, shopping, making executive decisions, directing others, achievement, standing up for yourself, taking your power back What you might feel or witness (6): Feeling overwhelmed with responsibilities, imbalance between giving and receiving, stubbornness, heaviness, lack of motivation to leave the house, heaviness What you might feel or witness (8): Bluntness, sarcasm, bossiness, no-nonsense attitudes, short tempers, lack of emotion, feeling disrespected, victim mentality, heaviness ***I hope you enjoyed this (GIANT) post! LOL! Please remember that your likes, comments, and shares keep this pages posts in your feed! (I also recommend selecting Get Notifications under the Liked tab! Wishing you a POWERFUL August!!! ~Jorie @Jories Numerology Chat ***I invite you to visit my other FB pages, The Blissful Knowing and Heart-spotters Around The World and my website, theblissfulknowing
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 01:21:05 +0000

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