Joseon Gunman Episode 6 Recap - Part 2 Hye-won wasn’t kidding - TopicsExpress


Joseon Gunman Episode 6 Recap - Part 2 Hye-won wasn’t kidding when she promised her father to do everything in her power to help secure the deal: She takes it upon herself to roadblock other merchants’ paths to keep them away from Hanjo, dispatching armed guards to make her point. The merchants huff, “Is there any law that says we cannot meet Hanjo too?” She tells them smilingly, “If there were, would I go to such extremes as this?” Ha, I love that she’s a woman of action, and utterly uncowed by their blustering threats. It’s unscrupulous, perhaps, but she’ll do what she’s gotta do. Yoon-kang finds a building to set up shop in, disregarding all of Kanemaru’s thoughtful points against it. I’m starting to really enjoy Kanemaru’s reactions to his boss, given that he’s always offering sensible advice and Yoon-kang’s always ignoring him. You can almost read his inner monologue, wondering, Why’d you even bring me then? He dismisses Soo-in from guide duty for the day, having found what he was looking for. She presents him with a gift, and holds out a hat (a gat ), asking him to try it on. He declines, but she insists that he try and plops it on his head, as he’d once done to her, and the image is yet more confirmation to her eyes. And then, an excited voice calls out his name: “Park Yoon-kang!” It’s his best friend Jung-hoon, who races up and grabs him in a bear hug. Oh no, already my heart pinches for what’s surely to come. Yoon-kang shoves his friend aside while Soo-in explains that this isn’t who he thinks it is. Jung-hoon is understandably confused, asking if Yoon-kang’s playing a joke on him, and tries to jog his memory. Mention of the name makes Yoon-kang burst out that he’d better not be called that damned Park Yoon-kang name anymore; he warns Soo-in to mind herself and throws the hat on the ground. Oh, sad. It’s just because they love you! Yoon-kang storms off angrily, blinking back tears in front of Kanemaru, who must not know anything about his secret agenda. To him, Yoon-kang keeps the Hanjo facade firmly in place. At home, Soo-in speaks to a drawing of Yeon-ha as though she’s here with her, saying that she can’t decide what to think about it —on one hand, she’s sure it’s him, but on the other hand, there’s no way it could be. Sang-chu’s hunt for Yeon-ha brings him to a slave matching her description, though it turns out to be a different girl. She’d begged him to take her from her terrible owner, promising to do whatever work he puts her to, and he hadn’t the heart to refuse. Yoon-kang tells him to turn her away, but Sang-chu argues that they need someone to work for them anyway once they set up their office, and Yoon-kang is too soft-hearted not to give in. Everyone, say hello to the newest member of the family, Je-mi ( Kim Ga-eun ). Dressed in his peddler guise, Yoon-kang heads out on personal business—time for the rendezvous of the gunmen. Assassin Moo-deok leads his trainees in laying a trap for the mysterious gunman, positioning themselves strategically to ambush him from all sides. It’s nighttime by the time Yoon-kang arrives near the meeting spot, where his father was killed. He’s on high alert and so are the assassins, who fire at the first sign of rustling, downing a deer instead of their target. Suhogye holds another meeting, where one member reports that their attempt to plant moles in the queen’s court have failed, as she cleared them out. Lord Kim chuckles, musing that the king must be preparing to make a big move. To that end, Interpreter Jung meets with Kaehwa scholars led by Ho-kyung, who worries over the feasibility of creating a new bureau that would essentially strip power from the existing State Council and Six Ministries. Interpreter Jung knows the ministers will resist, but suggests that they have faith in the king’s resolve. He has poured both his energy and money into supporting the Kaehwa faction, which is cause for some resignation from his wife. It doesn’t appear they’re in big trouble, but I do wonder if it’s a concern to take seriously. Soo-in is chastised for spending so freely on her imported goods, but on the upside (sort of?), it appears she’s bought everything worth buying and is no longer on the hunt for new items. Let’s nobody take that as financial advice now: Spend until there is literally nothing left to buy . Moo-deok’s ambush party waits out the entire night in the mountains, but finds no sign of their gunman. In the morning it’s clear he didn’t make it, and Moo-deok orders his team to return to base. …which is just what Yoon-kang was waiting for. He has been out all night, but never intended to make contact like a sitting duck (phew). He notes the size of Choi’s army as it retreats, then intercepts Moo-deok and gets him alone, beckoning to him and running away to force a chase. Moo-deok pursues, shooting at him as he runs, and with his trademark speed Yoon-kang whirls in midair to fire back at Moo- deok. He gets in two good shots, knocking off Moo-deok’s hat and then scoring a hit on the shoulder. Moo-deok goes down, writhing in pain. Yoon-kang advances menacingly, looming over a cowering Moo- deok, who asks who he is. “I see you don’t recognize me,” Yoon- kang growls. “Even after you sold my sister off as a slave! After killing my father!” Moo-deok’s eyes widen. “Then… you’re Park Jin-han’s son…?” “Yes,” Yoon-kang says. “I am Park Jin-han’s son, Park Yoon- kang. I survived. I was so wronged, I could not die.” He demands to know who Moo-deok is, asking if he was the one to kill his father. Moo-deok denies it but he won’t reveal the shooter’s identity, even laughing when Yoon-kang insists on a name and fires a warning shot next to his head. Moo-deok advises him to not do anything stupid: “You can’t handle him.” Welling up in rage, Yoon-kang fires into his knee. Last warning. Moo-deok stares down the barrel of that gun and goads, “Shoot.” Yoon-kang wrestles with his warring impulses. Moo-deok takes the choice out of his hands by taking out a dagger and saying, “Then I’ll do it.” He drives the knife into his own chest, and as he dies, Yoon-kang yells at him frantically, desperate for a name. Moo-deok dies. Yoon-kang bellows in frustration, his lead lost. Yoon-kang checks the dead man’s left shoulder to see if he bears a scar from the fight with his father, but it’s clean. It is, at least, a clue, and Yoon-kang says he’ll find out the rest on his own. The sniper trainees return to the mountain headquarters to find that their leader didn’t make it back. Knowing that he’s not the type to keep him waiting, Choi Won-shin guesses that Moo-deok encountered trouble on the way. It’s happier news for Sang-chu, who lights up adorably upon Yoon-kang’s return. He wasn’t entirely certain his hyungnim would be making it back alive, and is vastly relieved. Yoon-kang resumes work as Hanjo, overseeing the construction of his new offices. He makes pointed comments to Hye-won about how their explosives expert is doing nothing, and Soo-in chafes at his constant criticism. Hye-won informs him that the explosives delivery will not be allowed to be kept here (it’s too close to the palace, putting the king at risk) and offers to show him to a suitable warehouse. Jung-hoon paces in his office, trying to puzzle out how a stranger could look so much like his friend. Did Yoon-kang get reincarnated as a Japanese man? Haha. Well, he was never the brains of the operation. He receives a note tipping him off about the gunman’s corpse in the woods, and sets out with Officer Moon. He points out that the tip came to him and that he should receive credit for it, which makes me think that if he weren’t Yoon-kang’s friend he’d have no career. He just amuses me. The officers find the body exactly as noted, lying next to his gun, and check the shoulder to confirm that this isn’t the “Expert Choi” in charge—this must be the subordinate. Jung-hoon is ordered to carry the corpse back, which I’m sure cannot end well for Jung-hoon. Or the corpse, for that matter. source: dramabeans
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 13:26:48 +0000

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