Joseph- #32- August 31st- 642 words- Well start with verse - TopicsExpress


Joseph- #32- August 31st- 642 words- Well start with verse seventeen, chapter forty two, of Genesis; And he put them all together into ward three days. We see here that Joseph is sort of getting revenge on his brethren by putting them in prison, in the kings ward, the same prison Joseph was in for some perhaps ten years, maybe only nine, but long enough that he was able to see and feel all the horrible aspects of living a life of incarceration. Joseph doesnt really want to, treat is brothers in the same manner they treated him, but maybe they just need a little taste of what he had experienced. Now, on to verse eighteen; And Joseph said unto them the third day, This do, and live; for I fear God:. Now we have an unclear statement from Joseph: when he says, ...for I fear God:, is Joseph saying that because he is a servant of God, does he mean that he is duty bound to help his brethren because he is a God fearing and God obeying man, or is he saying, that he fears that if he goes to far in toying with his brethren, that God may say, Well, youre no better than they are because youre pushing your personal revenge, past the limits of my word. God said, in Deuteronomy thirty two, verse thirty five, To me belongeth vengence, and recompense;. Joseph knows the heart of God, and even though the book of Deuteronomy has not yet been written during Josephs lifetime, he is still aware of the way that God thinks, just as we do today. Did Joseph ease back on his prison sentence for his brethren then, because of being a servant, or because he feared what God might do to him if he pursued his great punishment of his brethren. The choice is yours, for either answer could be correct, and neither one is a wrong answer. Verse nineteen, If ye be true men, let one of your brethren be bound in the house of your prison: go ye, carry corn for the famine of your houses:. Now we can see the compassion of Joseph for his brethren and for his family: his family is waiting back in Canaan for the brothers to return with corn from Egypt, so that they may live and not starve to death. So Josephs deal is, that he wants to see his baby brother Benjamin, and still play a little with his brethren, so he sends them back, with corn, so that his family is taken care of. If this would have been a normal ruler of Egypt, he probably would have kept all the brothers in prison and allowed one to go back and fetch the younger brother, and he probably would have said, no little brother, no corn, and would have sent the one brother back to the family with no food supplies. The Pharaohs of Egypt would most likely have had the attitude, of, do it my way, or no way. That would have been the big difference between the godless people of Egypt and the Godliness of Joseph and his people. Verse twenty, But bring your youngest brother unto me; so shall your words be verified, and ye shall not die. And they did so. Now, tomorrow, Lord willing, we will see the guilt of the brethren of Joseph come into view. Until then, may God bless and thank you for the prayers of yesterday. Just as an example, prayers came in to me from not only my local church family, but my extended family from all over the world. Prayers came from England, Ireland, Africa, Brussels, Israel, Sweden and some very sweet and very concerned prayers from, Bratsk, Moscow, and other Russian cities. Thank you each and every one for your concern. God bless. Pastor Joe Raulerson
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 10:10:49 +0000

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