Joseph Ochieno, I agree with most of your observations. And - TopicsExpress


Joseph Ochieno, I agree with most of your observations. And certainly we deserve better. I also agree UPC had the masses in plan. I couldnt have attained education under NRM. No way.. Largely, the base of NRA was Ankole much as the operating ground was Luwero read Buganda. But even in Buganda, the operational areas were largely inhabited by Rwandese and Bahima cattle keepers. Communities like Barundi etc initially rejected NRA. Im not sure UNLA soldiers stole Balaro cattle. There was good will for UPC in the said communities but Rwakasisi group went petty and did not mobilise the masses. The expulsion of Banyarwanda bolstered the NRA ranks. My brother in-law the Late Filmon Ochieno, initially District Commissioner Rukungiri and later Kabolore deployed contacts to count NRAs as they crossed to Rwenzori. The estimates were in thousands. He filed his brief to the President and Obote referred it to Rwakasisi. Rwakasisi maintained his false narrative that NRA was running away. Rwakasisi summoned Filmon Ochieno and reprimanded him for telling the president the truth. The late Obote sent a Sandhurst trained officer, for further verification. The officer had believed the the Rwakasisi narrative and against the advice of Filmon Ochieno drove to the war Zone at night and was killed by the Mande Samson group. Filmon Ochieno recommendation was that the force on the ground was small and spread thin to counter NRA. Rwakasisi over-ruled him. Ruboona was over-run the rest is history. So yes its true the politics of Rwakasisi etc affected UNLA. Let me mention here the politics of Aggrey Awor. Aggrey had access to the military radio net and concentrated on tabulating the data of UNLA soldiers killed by tribe. The Acholis had paid a heavy price in the war. Aggrey incited the late Bazirio by these records and Brig Smith Opona Ochak failed to resolve this and the Army divided. I had a conversation with Col Omalia. He advised Lutwa and Bazirio Olara Okello who they sought the Iteso support as these under Ogole constituted the Special Force. Col Omaria tried to alert Obote but the UPC politics could not let him through. My brother Joseph Ochieno, you have no idea the damage Gen Tinyefuza has caused President Museveni. He certainly has been at the center of NRA carnage in Luwero and Norhern Uganda. Tinyefuzas narrative that their regime is evil s believable given our history of mass murder. You have no idea under what pressure Museveni has had to give in and let Tinyefuza in. Musevenis strength lay in intelligence and in concealment of intelligence. Gen Tinyefuza has burst that net. Together we shall assess his impact when the empire has crumbled.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 14:05:54 +0000

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