Joseph Prince: Top 20 Grace Quotes 1. “Grace is not a - TopicsExpress


Joseph Prince: Top 20 Grace Quotes 1. “Grace is not a theology. It is not a subject matter. It is not a doctrine. It is a person, and his name is Jesus.” (DTR, p.24) 2. “The central tenet of the new covenant … is the complete forgiveness of sins!” (UF, p.171) 3. “God’s forgiveness is not given in installments.” (UF, p.194) 4. “Old Testament prophets call your sin to remembrance, while New Testament preachers call your righteousness to remembrance. Old Testament preachers tell you what’s wrong with you, while New Testament preachers tell you what is right with you because of what Jesus has done, in spite of what is wrong with you.” (DTR, p.220) 5. “What man calls ‘balance,’ God calls ‘mixture’.” (UF, p.103) 6. “The moment you accepted Jesus, God have you an eternal ‘A+’ for your right standing with Him.” (UF, p.313) 7. “For the believer, God’s throne is not a throne of judgment. It is a throne of grace, a throne of unmerited favor.” (UF, p.298) 8. “It is the gift of no condemnation that gives people the power to sin no more. Unfortunately, many have flipped the order. They say, ‘Go and sin no more, then we will not condemn you.’ There is no power in that. Experiencing the grace of our Lord Jesus gives people the power to stop sinning.” (Charisma) 9. “The Bible says that sin shall not have dominion over you when you are not under law but under grace. So if you are living in sin, you are definitely not under grace.” (DTR, p.167) 10. “Grace brings about a restraint that is supernatural.” (UF, p.147) 11. “When you fall in love with Jesus, you will fall out of love with sin.” (Charisma) 12. “Let me teach you how to discern if the grace teaching that you are hearing is doctrinally sound. When you hear the new covenant of grace preached, it is always Christ-exalting. It always reveals more and more of Jesus… There is no grace without Jesus.” (DTR, p.32) 13. “It’s actually very easy to identify the difference between the old and new covenant teachings. Just ask yourself if the teaching is putting the emphasis on what you have to do or what Jesus has done. Does it make you introspective, always looking to yourself and how you fared or failed? Or does it turn your eyes away from yourself to look upon Jesus?” (UF, p.148-9) 14. “Our part in the new covenant of grace is to simply believe!… We are to believe in Jesus!… In the new covenant, there is nothing for us to do but to believe!” (UF, pp.167,169) 15. “In the end times people will not be anti-God, but they will be anti-Christ… That is why, in these last days, we need more preaching about Jesus, His finished work and the new covenant of His unmerited favor.” (UF, p.170) 16. “The gospel is simple, and it takes theologians to complicate it.” (UF, p.13) 17. “God sent His Son to die for you while you were still a sinner. Obviously, He does not love you only when you are perfect in your behavior and thoughts. His love for you is unconditional.” (UF, p.138) 18. “God will not punish the believer again, not because He has gone soft on sin, but because all our sins have already been punished in the body of Jesus.” (UF, p.151) 19. “Once you receive Christ, you are standing on favor ground. You are no longer on condemnation ground… In His eyes we are all His favorites.” (UF, p.315) 20. “People sometimes ask me, ‘Pastor Prince, if you don’t teach the Ten Commandments to your church, what is going to govern them?’ My friend, the Lord Himself will govern them!” (UF, p.37)
Posted on: Tue, 09 Jul 2013 15:38:31 +0000

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