Joseph in the dry pit What is your dry pit? Dry pit denotes - TopicsExpress


Joseph in the dry pit What is your dry pit? Dry pit denotes there being nothing else for you to rely on.This is where God works on you as your reliance is then only on him. However, often when one is in a pit, we say there is something wrong with the person. Some even go to the extent of saying that in this season, you cant be like that. Your situation may be to prepare you for what to come.The situation may look evil. Joseph asked himself while in the pit. What is my goal in this pit? Where is my dream in this pit?I know where I belong. This is what you have to ask yourself not to listen to poison from people who tell you that there is something wrong with you. Listen at times you are taken from your comfort zone towards your destiny. Joseph was taken away from Portphiers house into jail. His story started with a dream and he had to be among dreamers. His destiny was coming thru dreams and being in jail,in a pit pushed him to his destiny. Ummmmm Peter was to be a blessing to his people. What happened to him?Luke 5:5 we are told he toiled all night and caught nothing? A professional fisherman. A doctor,an accountant, mechanic. You are toiling and getting nothing.Why? You have to test lack inorder for the hand of God to be seen and then you can be a blessing to people through your testimony. Your circumstances, your pit is there for a purpose.Remember, God never promised to keep you away but promised to see you through. Abraham was given land and soon there was famine and he went to Egypt. Dai Abraham aive pano aitonzi there is something wrong with him.Mwari anoda kuti zvisemese.You will test the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.Hold on fast,focus on the word not situations. If God is to see you through, then you have to face situations. Short cutting the process unobika sadza mbodza. Rega rikwate. Usaburwe mupoto usati waibva.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 07:11:14 +0000

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