Josephs was granted permission from the Guardians of The Earths - TopicsExpress


Josephs was granted permission from the Guardians of The Earths Akashic Records to channel info that pertains to the earth while he was at the peak of Peña de Bernal. Here is a trascript of the Channeled session. Welcome! In its creation, the earths manifestation came when Gaia needed a soul., for She is planetary. She is alive, part of the Milky Way, part of the galaxy, the grand conjunction of all. For this is created for Her to rule, to live. Her own beingness as one. In her infancy, She blossomed as the river and lakes and oceans became. She developed them as the trees grew and the plants. Animals were put here to start an evolution from the tiniest organisms within the waters that the blossomed to beings of great nature and great stature. Evolution within Her. For as a woman matures she goes through different times of her life. For the earth matures must go through different times as she reaches puberty. This is why we have different paths eras, from the time of the Jurassic to the mammals. The human race was formed, but was not progressing fast enough. For the stars brothers came down. They are known as the Anunnaki. From those that heaven came. They came upon this earth for its riches, for its gold. Not for prosperity riches, for their atmosphere was deteriorating and the elements of gold is what helped the Anunnaki, and their planet Neibru to survive. The race worked hard, but it got too taxing. They saw the primitives here on earth. They experimented on the primitives of earth to make them more like the Anunnaki that reins, {and they} became wiser and bigger. They began to be comprehend and learn instructions. This is the first race of humanity, also the first race of slavery. For they were workers of the Anunnaki. They mined the gold, the homo sapiens, so you call them. Soon the Anunnaki planet shifts. The planet of Neibru, called the planet of crossings, crosses this parallel universe every 5000-6000 years. Neibru will be entering into your solar system again. The Anunnaki will return again to see a more civilized culture, a more advanced culture. When the Anunnaki left the human race was left to fend for itself. It spread itself through Africa, through the continent. Other star beings were visiting as well. Seeded within this planet are these star beings. For if you look into the history of India, {there are} the diagrams of ships that sail to the sky. The Peruvians’ ancient text also have drawings of ships that sail to the sky. The Sumerians of old. Mesopotamia was the place. The Sumerians knew of the Anunnaki. They were the ones who learned math, to write in their ancient text showed the Anunaki as they came to this earth. The Sumerians had wisdom of the solar system written on the scroll showing the planet, colors, the alignment of the planet, way before technology. The earth watches over the human race. But She is in pain, for the war and suffering She must go through. For here in this mountain is a place of rest and tranquility. For She comes here. It will come for mankind to stop war amongst themselves, to prove themselves to be worthy, to raise their vibrations, to be with their ancestor brothers, star brother, the brotherhood of all, the light. white brotherhood, to reunite once more. The human race is on this cusp of this reality, and will soon be there. The earth will go through major shifts and changes. Her skies will fall with ash. Her ground will shake as these earthquakes and volcanoes erupt. Monsoons, tidal waves will hit the earth. Much destruction will happen when She is about to change. Trust your inner instincts. Do not go into fear. Trust the One Power, God, to be directed to where you need to be. Prepare yourself for Ascension, to be a light being, to be of the light, to merge into one of the light. No longer no physical body. No nourishment is needed. The nourishment of the soul, the sun, is what we need. Within this next ten years there will be a big shift and a big change. Humanity will not be the same. For an example: when we look at this world 200 and thousands of years before it has not changed.Within the last 200 years it has grown a lot and within the next 10 years the planet will change, and it will be completely different. You have extraterrestrial beings that will be part of you, showing you the way, to the light. War will be no more amongst your brothers. For there will be peace. Power will be no more. For we will all be equal. We will all be one in the Light, and tranquility and peace {will reign}. This is the grand design that we are heading to. And within the ten years we will shift you and we will start to see the change. We thank you. We thank you for being here, to make this journey up the mountain. We bless each one of you. The sun is a blessing. For look up at the sun. Bring in its light. For this is where Life began. Thank you.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 23:27:54 +0000

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