Josh, I was administered a polygraph in 1996. It involved a theft - TopicsExpress


Josh, I was administered a polygraph in 1996. It involved a theft at my then place of employment. They stole piping valves. We found several of the valves in a field behind the facility, a cut fence and ATV tracks indicating they had made off with valves via the ATV and across the field. We reported the theft to our management and to the authorities. They found and arrested an individual a few weeks later and the police had him in custody when our Safety / Security group, who were responsible for fence security deemed it was an inside job and called in a famous private investigator, Clyde Wilson, who also deemed it was an inside job. Clyde had caught my previous supervisor violating his fiduciary responsibility and he was subsequently terminated. But my previous supervisor and I had been called into a meeting with 2 other people from Mustang Engineering, with then Chairman Dan L. Duncan and CEO O.S. Andras and told to fix bids for pipeline pipe to be purchased for a new pipeline. The 2 recipients of the bid fixing were friends of Duncan and Andras. When i was taken into a room with Clyde Wilson, the questioning began about the former supervisor, not the valves. When the questioning changed to the valves, I gave him my account, based on our investigation of the cut fence, ATV tracks and valves scattered through the field. I was immediately refuted my members Safety / Security group. They wanted to make it look like an “inside job” to take the heat off of themselves, so I was immediately thinking that I’d been set up because of my knowledge of the bid fixing. On December 6, 1996 I was approached by the head of Safety / Security and told to get into his vehicle and I was to be taken down to the local police station for a polygraph. I complied: I had committed no crime and had nothing to hide. I was interrogated for about 4 hours by a small town detective who didn’t want to talk so much about the valve theft, but rather my former supervisor. He questioned the validity of my education. I have a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering. He was doing everything possible to question my veracity and integrity. I could not call my wife to tell her that I would be late. She was 6 months pregnant with our first child and had recently been diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes. When they prepared to administer the polygraph, they took both my cell phone and my pager so if my wife had problems, she couldn’t reach me. I was diagnosed with hypertension in 1985 and with manic depression in 2009. The polygraph started well except that I could hear the movement of the pen and that was a bit disconcerting. Midway through the procedure the blood pressure cuff tightened severely and my blood pressure went off the chart. I was told that I failed and was then taken in front of the detective with a camera rolling and a bright light in my face. I told him that I hadn’t lied and he asked if I wanted a lawyer and I said that I would hire one. I first contacted Rusty Hardin who said he couldn’t help because of a conflict (he taught criminal law to the Dan L. Duncan’s daughter, Randa Duncan Williams at the South Texas School of Law) and he referred me to George McCall Secrest. I told them both I had committed no crime but when you have to hire a criminal lawyer there is the perception of guilt by others. Secrest listened to me and told me to return to work which I did. I received phone calls from Randa Duncan Williams, the HR manager, and the Vice President of my Dept. apologizing for what I had to go through. The individual that stole the valves Mark Dwayne Bay was convicted and served time. Mr. Duncan continued his insatiable desire to fix bids and as result we had to build a pipeline with numerous rejections of piping and constructions defects. These were reported to both the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation who chose not to pursue an investigation even though the crimes were interstate and therefore violated the Sherman AntiTrust Act. I once sent an email to Cliff Van Zandt describing this and he said that I should write a book … I’m working on my second. What I had to endure was the most traumatic experience imaginable, which I will never forget but moreover, even though it may violate my Faith, I will never Forgive nor give Redemption to those ultimately responsible for this who choose rather than to repent, to rely on their idolatry to think that they change The Truth. Josh, your reporting on this, at a minimum, would be considered irresponsible. Your guest supported polygraph authenticity because its her livelihood … that’s tainted testimony. The National Research Council has found no evidence of polygraph effectiveness. based the American Psychological Association. Monitor on Psychology - The polygraph in doubt. July 2004. Josh, you lost a viewer for your irresponsible reporting.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 22:50:09 +0000

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