Joshua 24 verse 12 tells us that long after the exodus Israel - TopicsExpress


Joshua 24 verse 12 tells us that long after the exodus Israel still had Egyptian gods in their pantheon. As Christianity has transitioned through the ages, it has adopted some cultural mythology and faulty perspective because of mans fear of letting go of what is familiar. The promblem we face today in western Christianity is, most Christians are raised to believe concepts about God that are not truly the teachings of Christ. For some if not most the true gospel feels like a lie, because the lie reached them first. Let me say that God is love and when we experience Him it is always love we feel. God does not wait for us to have it all figured out before he loves on us. We must be very careful to not attribute His loving and constant goodness to what we think is our perfect theology. His pursuit of us is based off of His desire to be our father, not our perfect understanding.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 18:13:46 +0000

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