Joshua Okorare THE SATANS PROPOSAL; A SEED OF DECEPTION. Gerald - TopicsExpress


Joshua Okorare THE SATANS PROPOSAL; A SEED OF DECEPTION. Gerald was a strong, renown and noticeable prayer warrior. When he starts to pray, the congregation get ignited with fire of revival and weep profusely has he groan in the agony of prayer. The pastor is proud of him because of his passion to pray and his prayers becomes a fore runner of his ministrations. The pastor does not stress himself to make declaration of deliverance upon the church has Gerald groan in prayer in the midst of the congregation, anointing comes down and yokes are broken; the blind sees, the lame walked, dead rise up to life and unclean spirit manifest and leave their victims. Anytime Gerald is not in church, the service that day will be boredom; people will be tired and dosing. The kingdom of darkness became aggressive and wrath against Gerald has many of their prey and captive had been delivered and their kingdoms ruin. So a meeting of discourse was held with the caption GERALD IS WANTED! this caption was placed on the walls of all the kingdom of darkness. In all their meetings, the end discussion is, Gerald is wanted! and everyone will bring different strategy to the detriment of his christian faith. At the end of every quarter of the year, there is always a general meeting with Lucifer, and every kingdom most come with their portfolio of report cards of every true child of God names boldly writing on each card. So, Lucifer asked, as His manner is; who among the lights in the world refuses to get dim at your rigorous effort to dim it and off it? Names were mention but, Gerald was on the top list of all the kingdoms. Satan press a device to know who is Gerald Theophilus and also to screen the effort of His agent. Has He search, the first devices, it began to malfunction; and this is an indication of failure and that Gerald can not be gotten by such kingdom. He does the searching to1 to 5 of His powerful devices and the same experiences occurred until the six device that shown Gerald edge around with fire with spotless and stainless garment. He brought out a book called MISSIONARY which contain past experience and strategies and all manners of temptations applied against true children of God. And most of the strategies are in the Bible and the way of escaped. So, Lucifer open the Missionary Book and read a passage of the Bible in Luke chapter 4 vs 1-3; 5-7; 9-11 but, in their book is called Proposal not Luke. After reading it, to their surprised, He told his kingdom to stop attacking Gerald but, rather they should PATRONISE him, PROMOTE him and PROSPER him; mission 333. Satan taught them how to carry out the mission 333 on Gerald for the space of 9years, after which, they take their leave to their base. In the space of nine years, both new and old comers began to seek prayers and counselling from him, leaving the head pastor aside. During testimony time of every activities; 90 percent of people hardly testified without mentioning his name of what God has done for them. At the end of the fellowship instead of people waiting to see the Pastor for prayers and counselling, they choose to see brother Gerald. The pastor was happy because he has lessing his work in church. little did he know that pride has set into his life unnoticeable. He will decide not to go to church and see if the church will not come looking for him. And the church are coming to look for him. Sometime, when ask, why he is not in the fellowship of that day, he will lie by giving some flirting excuses. The church committee sat and discuss on the issue of missing such instrument at their noses; they end up their discussion in making Gerald a pastor of a parish. Gerald wax strong and his congregation grew numerically than the headquarter church. Gift of cash and material were coming here and there until he lack not any good thing. Anything at all, he wants to buy, he will just call wealthy men and women, and it will be provided. Among this wealthy men and women are agent of the devil. As time goes on, these agent keep advising him to start his own ministry, after all, he has all the anointing to start a church; and that, the head pastor is exploring his success to enrich himself and his family. Start your ministry and men like us are solid behind you to support in building a magnificent cathedral. Why you are in charge of every money that comes in and out and we will be your follower. He got home thinking how to tell the head Pastor how God is calling him out of the ministry when God is not calling him to go out, behold a knock at the door a sister but an agent of darkness came in to share a revelation. Guest what? WATCH OUT FOR PART TWO.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 23:16:00 +0000

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