Joshua had his surgery tonight and was back in his room around 10. - TopicsExpress


Joshua had his surgery tonight and was back in his room around 10. The neurosurgeons did not do anything. From their prospective there are several layers of fluid surrounding the brain and this infection seems to be in the first 2 layers outside his brain. They also said it looked like that some of the brain tissue had some infection and inflammation on it but want to let the proper antibiotics do their job. In a week we will repeat the same kind of MRI and CT Scan to see if there is any improvement.If not then they will decide what to do next. As far as the ENT surgeons, They were expecting to go in and see pockets of pus and they did not. They said his sinuses looked like a ghost town. It looked like the infection had been there a long time and the tissue and the bone that they had seen in the scans where it looked like the infections broke thru the bone was diseased. Also the bone between the eye and the sinuses was soft and diseased as well. He was hoping if there was pus pockets to get some for a sample to identify this type of infection but instead took samples of tissue. He said there was a little bleeding which was good because that meant the tissue was not dead. He made an area for any drainage to be able to drain. He also said that the bone that they thought had broke thru did not but was very soft which is good because he wasnt leaking any fluid from around his brain. Now its time to wait and see. I hope I have explained this ok, Im still confused. I know you all are praying and I appreciate every thought and prayer sent our way.
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 03:43:11 +0000

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