Josie is putting up a fight against this monster. She remains - TopicsExpress


Josie is putting up a fight against this monster. She remains determined to fight. The last three days have been rough as her pain level has been high. Yesterday they started her on a pain pump. Today they came and increased it from 3 mg to 15 mg per hour with more on demand if she needs it. She is unable to put weight on her legs but still has feeling in them. They are very painful. Gilcrest got us a hoyer lift to help in moving her but it causes her more pain in addition to taking too long to get her moved. When you pick her up it hurts her. She has not been comfortable in her bed now for three days. She complained that the recliner will not stay back for her to sleep comfortable. I went today to a medical supply company and purchased an electric recliner that also has a lift. I jammed it into the Camry to get it home from Parkville. This allows us to limit the amount of lifting we are doing for both her comfort and ours while allowing her to fully recline and stay in that position. She is on steroids to reduce the pressure in her brain and to help with bone pain. This has her hungry all the time. It is not unusually to find Lauren or me up making food in the middle of the night for her. She also has all of us running to get her whatever she wants. Josie has always been good at persuasions. Add cancer to the equation and we are ready to go at a moment’s notice to get her whatever she wants. We are praying now that we can control her pain so she does not have to suffer too much. We are so lucky to have so many friends and family to support us in so many ways-- donations, listening, support cards, and sending in cooked meals. We are thankful everyday for all of you. You do not know how many people are praying for Josie and all of us to get through this. We really appreciate it. Gilcrest Kids Hospice is a wonderful program. They are here ready to help us through this situation. We have truly been blessed with Katie and Laura’s boyfriends. Jeremy and Teagan have been here to help us in any way possible. The two of them have been great support for Katie and Laura also. These guys are great and really appreciated during this difficult time. So many high school guys would have run away from the situation instead of helping us through this as a team. They are great guys. Lauren and I will not be returning to work for the start up of school. Although we are both struggling to be there, it is necessary for us to be by Josie’s side. Again thank you all for your support, love and prayers during this difficult time. Love Jody Mom
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 02:50:44 +0000

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