Journal Entries “July 12, 2014 Went for a bike ride in the - TopicsExpress


Journal Entries “July 12, 2014 Went for a bike ride in the trails today. We (Kevin and I) went in our nice and easy route through Bevan and Nymph Falls. I feel so much bliss when I ride but I must admit that today Karma got me in a big way. We were riding and came across this guy walking with his dog. I could tell that he wasn’t happy to see bikers on the trail. I am a firm believer in courtesy and sharing the trail but the vibe I got was this was not his belief. Well karma got me because we saw him at the beginning of our ride and at the end. The second time we saw him he looked even less impressed and I was extra cheery to him but after we passed him I said “Loved how we brightened his day twice today”. Then because my intention wasn’t totally nice I was riding up this hill and a stick wrapped on top of my chain and as I pedalled uphill it kept stabbing me in the leg!!!!” Bad Karma is not a good thing and as I had to dismount my bike (midway up the hill, to which I was not happy that I didn’t get to bike the whole way up) and take the stick that was stabbing me off my chain and explained to Kevin what was happening he said “KARMA!” and I started laughing and said “Yes, you’re right!” I thought that next time I need to have the good intention like “I wonder why he is upset….instead of assuming it was because we were biking by him”. Oh well LESSON learned! But it brings me straight back to my kindness project and now I will be kinder to myself and thus kinder in my perceptions of others. I have been feeling off lately because I have just started a new job that does not really lend itself to me riding to work (at all) and I need to figure this little problem out lest I maybe go CRAZY! I need to bike, that I know. I will figure it out and the figuring it out part is going to be aided by my next phase of my project and that is I’m starting my Meditation book. The book I have chosen to read is: “the Power of meditation” – by Edward Viljoen. Also on this mindfulness choice I’m making I am going to start actively watching how many times I distract myself with things that do not fit my Kindness Project like: • Writing down how many times a day I play Candy Crush!; • Writing down how many times a day I make choices contrary to what I really truly want to be doing or what I tell myself is the path I want to be on; • Paying attention to when I am not paying attention: being accountable for when I am actively disengaging with people around me; • Adhering to my new RULE of ONLY ONE fortune cookie a day: they are not substitutes for cookies, chocolate, or chips. Plus only one fortune a day is really all I get. I find that I am always what I call “seeing squirrels” and not giving my life the attention I want and deserve to give it. Also, I think some of it is because being honest with myself is hard and I have a lot of fear of having to be accountable….so I distract myself and make myself feel busy with other distractions HAHA. Fortune cookies recently and YES more than one a day most days but the themes are the same and crop up maybe in different wording but still the same meanings. • Socially, you will be involved with an enjoyable event. (hmm haven’t been invited anywhere in awhile….any takers!?); • One old friend is better than two new ones. (seems right, Tara was down this past week); • There is a tendency to carry activities too far. (Ummm see above Candy Crush!!!! Seriously addicted! Seriously.); • Your loyalty shall be rewarded. (this could have many meanings and since I’m loyal this is good all around); • You are next in line for promotion. (hmm not sure of this unless I’m being crowned queen *bleep* of my house or something but no one here has let anything slip about buying a tiara); • It is during difficult times that true friends become apparent. (YES Tara did NOT have to come to my house on the last night before she left, I knew she was tired, but she did and worked on my foot and for that I feel truly blessed!); • The time is right to make new friends (well just started a new job and I like them so hopefully this works both ways); • Now is a good time to start something new (well see above started new job); • Luck is on your side this month (good to know); • Persistence will lead to a promotion soon (I keep getting ones like this and okay I’ll put it out there BRING IT ON); • Take steps now to ensure success. (I usually plan pretty well so we’ll see); • It is proper to speak the truth (Ummm well I’m me so it’s hard not to and painful sometimes when I do….so there ya go! Most know if you want a straight answer ask me or don’t if you don’t want to know!). Oh and I bought myself another work out shirt! Just like the other one but a different color. :) PEDAL ONWARD, Sherrie
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 05:26:25 +0000

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