Journey Forward Thoughts for 6 November 2014 Leave her alone, - TopicsExpress


Journey Forward Thoughts for 6 November 2014 Leave her alone, Why are you bothering her? She has done a beautiful thing to me. These are words spoken by Jesus to those seated around him while invited to a table at the home of Simon the Leper. They saw a woman wasting some very expensive perfume by pouring it on Jesus head. Of course they were indignant, for they thought at least the perfume should have been sold and the money given to the poor. Im sure their thoughts were well rehearsed, in that they wanted to show Jesus how giving they could be to the poor, and the thought of using this perfume to pour on one of them, probably made them more jealous than truly concerned about the poor. We still today, see people criticizing other believers, when they see them doing things that they believe are frivolous and wasteful. But how do we evaluate what is done for the sake of the Lord, and what is done for the sake of others? We will criticize the one who seems to be so quiet, never getting involved in fellowship, or joining in the throes of activity that surround the church. But how do we know that the individual wasnt preparing for the day, by being in constant prayer for those involved in all that activity. How do we know that person, isnt busy pouring perfume on the head of Jesus, as an offering of gratitude, submission, and love? Jesus finished his response to those who were so indignant at what the woman was doing: The poor you will always have with you, and you can help them any time you want. But you will not always have me. She did what she could. She poured perfume on my body beforehand to prepare for my burial. I tell you the truth, wherever the gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told, in memory of her. Mark 14:6-9 The first thing that went wrong with those who criticized the woman, was that they did not know her. They did not look at her heart, but only an activity, of which, they would have handled differently. How often do we criticize other brothers and sisters because we do not know them. We look at their appearance, their dress, their behavior, and we form an opinion before we know their heart. I learned a valuable lesson long ago, when others were judgmental over a homeless man. They wanted me to throw him out of the hospital because he was creating a scene. They thought so, but all he was doing was sitting in the cafeteria, and others thought he shouldnt be there. I took the time to talk to him, and my heart immediately told me this man was different, and was, what I believe, an angel sent to see how we would take care of the poor. I have never forgotten that man, because by first sight, he was homeless, and didnt smell the best, but his heart was pure, and it was as if he was the one pouring what he had over the head of Jesus, for the purpose of honoring him. As believers, we should always look to the heart, for it is with the heart that we will understand the heart of another. Perhaps we might start to realize the way people honor Jesus, that seems different from what we do, but filled with grace and glory. I think Jesus wants believers who have hearts of compassion and love for others, regardless of how they look, or their circumstances in this world. If we look to the heart, we just might learn something ourselves, at watching others do only what they can. Father, teach us to have hearts like the woman who poured the perfume on Jesus. He was more important than the worth of the perfume, and she believed that. Lord, please take our gratitude of worship, and honor it, regardless of what it looks like to others around us. Help us Father to be people who always look to the heart, instead of the outward appearance. Father, show us how to be merciful and raise others to you, as a perfume, anointing your holiness and love. I raise to you even now: My Donna, Dwight, JV, Nada, Alison, Craig, Katrina, Candace, Ron, Rheba, Harriet, Tiffany, Tim, Dale, DaLana, Mike S., Sammie, Lisa, Lori, Gus, Jennifer, Pam, Angela, Bill Sr., Makenna, Danae, her son, Kristena, Pastor Daniel, Brian, Dick, Marianne, John, Holly, Caitlyn. Father, I pray for those who believe but do not feel a part of the body. Lord, help them to see you, and help us to accept them as brothers and sisters in the Lord. I pray for Tracy, Abraham, Japheth, Will, Karina, Mike, Megan, Jeff, Laura, John, Patty, Matt, Liz, Matt, Bethany, I am second, the state school ministry, AHG, Trail life, the Gideons, and Father, may we all start to see others from the inside and not the outside. I pray this in Jesus name. Amen. Pastor Andy
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 13:44:48 +0000

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