Joy is not the absence of sorrow but the the Presence of God. I - TopicsExpress


Joy is not the absence of sorrow but the the Presence of God. I pray you will not only have a Happy 2015 but a Joyous one. As we know happiness depends on circumstances. JOY however depends on the Presence of God. May Gods Presence be yours this year. John 16:33 2015 is also going to be a year of extreme contrasts. On one hand calamities will increase & darkness will thicken. On the other hand the unmistakable LIGHT of God will shine upon His people. That also makes 2015 a decisive year. Child of God, you cannot belong to both worlds. Choose NOW! John 1:5, Isa60:1-3 2015 is a year of Grace. 2015 is a year of Rest. Receive the the grace to overcome that thing that has been tormenting you all your life. Is it lack, shame, guilt, inadequacy, fear, debt, worry sickness, secret sins, generational issues, bitterness, unforgiveness? Whatever it is, Grace to overcome is available. Rom5:20 Doors have been open for you that no man can shut. Other doors have been shut & no man can open. Do even try to open them! Your part is to have your eyes open so you see the doors accordingly. Rev 3:8, Isa 22:22 Receive the Grace to rest this year. Resting in God does not mean being idle. It means operating from a position of Peace & confidence in the love God has for you..(Rugare, Kudekara munaIshe). The enemy would have you toil, worry, be anxious and eat with the pigs. There is abounding GRACE at Your fathers house for your every need. Labour to enter into that rest. Heb 4:11, Matt 11:28
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 13:11:55 +0000

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