Jubilee Sermon 64-0315: 3.16.2014 - TopicsExpress


Jubilee Sermon 64-0315: 3.16.2014 Influencebranham.org/20140316_Influence It’s the closing of the series of services in Beaumont, Texas. Brother Branham, in his gracious way, did not want to interfere with the local churches so he held his meeting on Sunday afternoon. Display content Brother Branham gave us a special little prophetic nugget on this sermon. As he prays for those listening to the tape, he says that his Message will be translated, listened to in houses, sent to the jungles of Africa, and people would be listening with “those little machines with the tubes in their ears.” There are many people that question Brother Branham’s prophecies, but this is crystal clear. His sermons were not translated and distributed in Africa until many years later. Small, portable audio players with headphones didn’t come on the scene until the 1980’s, and the little tube-like earbuds that go inside our ears didn’t show up until about 2001. Display content There will probably be more people in Africa hearing this sermon than anywhere else in the world, and many of them will be hearing it in their native Afrikaans. There are, today, little congregations, families, and individuals around the globe listening in their houses. And you can rest assured that thousands of people are hearing Brother Branham with “little tubes in their ears” at this very moment. Heavenly Father, as the music is sweetly playing, may everyone thats in Divine Presence, Lord, see that this is the calling time. Its a--its a separating time, when the chaff and--and wheat is to be separated. Although the--the wheat has been wrapped in the chaff, but now its a calling out time. Its another exodus. I pray, God, as the great Son Light has ripened the grain for every stage of its Life, from the time... Like in Canada now, when the wheat is just coming up, that hot sun of July would kill it right now, but it has to ripen according to the way that nature brings the sun upon it. So does the hot Son upon Luthers doctrine, Wesley and the rest of them, It scorches it down, but its to ripen the wheat. It should have matured, Lord, just as It come up. But, remember, all the branches was pruned off, and the Bride tree come right out of the center. I will restore, again, all the years that the palmerworm, caterpillar, the same insect, only in different stages, has eaten away. I will restore it, SAITH THE LORD. And Youll do it, Lord. You promised it. I pray that You will do it in every heart this afternoon. Theyre Yours, Lord. I commit them to You now. And I may never see them. If Id come back, a year from today, there is many sitting here, if Im living, they wont be. No doubt, this size crowd, next time I meet them will be at the Judgment. Let them see, Lord. Let them open their eyes, if theres... and see. All these on tape, Lord, thats listened to the Voice of this time, many different languages, even be translated, may they understand. Many men and women, in little houses, and out in little jungles in Africa, with those little machines with the tubes in their ears, may they hear, Lord, hear. Grant it. The missionary was right in what he said, but this is a greater witness than what he had. He is ready now. Hear us, Father. We commit it all to You, in the Name of Jesus Christ, Thy Son, and for the calling of His Bride. Amen. Here are a few highlights from “Influence.” In the year that king Uzziah died I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple. Above it stood the seraphims: each one had six wings; with twain he covered his face, and with twain he covered his feet, and with twain he did fly. And one cried unto another, and said, Holy, holy, holy, is the LORD of hosts: the whole earth is full of his glory. And the posts of the door moved at the voice of him that cried, and the house was filled with smoke. All these on tape, Lord, thats listened to the Voice of this time, many different languages, even be translated, may they understand. Many men and women, in little houses, and out in little jungles in Africa, with those little machines with the tubes in their ears, may they hear, Lord, hear. Grant it. The missionary was right in what he said, but this is a greater witness than what he had. He is ready now. Hear us, Father. We commit it all to You, in the Name of Jesus Christ, Thy Son, and for the calling of His Bride. Amen. Then said I, Woe is me! for I am undone; because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips: for mine eyes have seen the King, the LORD of hosts. Then flew one of the seraphims unto me, having a live coal in his hand, which he had taken with the tongs from off the altar: And he laid it upon my mouth, and said, Lo, this hath touched thy lips; and thine iniquity is taken away, and thy sin purged. Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me. Isaiah 6:1-8 You dont see what you believe. See? You dont. You dont see it, anyhow. You look it, with your eyes; you see with your heart. See? You look at anything, say, I just dont see it, you mean you dont understand it. You cant scientifically prove God. You just believe God, and you believe Him according to His Word. Now, you know, there is somebody that you are influencing. Your life is a written epistle read of all man. Therefore, if your life isnt according to your testimony, or your testimony according to your life, rather, then there is... you are putting a stumbling block in somebodys way, for somebody is watching you. Some little child is watching his mother, watching his dad. And thats what we want to do, as Christians. We want to walk like Christians, live like Christians, talk like Christians. And well reap, too, for what we are doing. We have nothing else in front of us, but reaping. Weve crossed the line of grace and mercy, and nothing else left but a reaping. Mark that in your Bibles. Im an old man. But you mark that down and find out whether that isnt true or not. Maybe when Im gone, and on and on, youll find out that those words are true. Were going to get it. We are weighed in the balance and found wanting, and there is no way out. Youll never take another mans place, and another man cant take your place. Find where your place is and abide there. See? If youre a good laymember, be a good laymember. If youre a good housewife, if God has blessed you as a housewife and made you loyal and true, sister, you just continue to be that. Dont get thinking, you, God called you to be a preacher, or--or a deacon, or something else. And--and you do the same, man. Wherever God has blessed you, there abide, cause thats where He has set you at. You do just what He tells you to do, and see where He blesses you. No matter how much God has blessed you, you havent got no right to rebuke the anointed of the Lord, or say anything against them. Thats right. God is the one to take care of that. They need any rebuking, thats His children, you let them alone. Youre not supposed to do that. Sin, unbelief. There is no other sin but unbelief. He that believeth not is condemned already. And sin is the only unbelief there is. And one speck of unbelief against the Word of God, and youll stay out of the Kingdom of Heaven. Note the Heavenly Seraphims with coverings over Their faces. Now, the Seraphims is the burners of the sacrifice, which is one of highest orders of Angels. Theyre next to the Cherubims. There it was Angels, and then Seraphims, and then Cherubims. And Seraphims is actually the burner of the sacrifice, making the way for the sinners approach, a real high order of holiness in the temple of God. Lets look at the vision the prophet saw, and break it down. Two wings covered Their faces. Think of it, even holy Angels had to hide Their sinless faces, to stand in the Presence of God. Was given wings to hide Their face, in the Presence of the holy God! How are you and I going to stand There, if the Seraphims had to use wings, Gods provided way to hide Their face, to stand in His Presence, to sing, Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty? Reverence in His Presence! But to realize that youre in the Presence of God! Not only in a church; wherever you are, youre in the Presence of God. And you are provided with something, too, the Blood of Jesus Christ. Thats your covering. That, you dont stand as a Seraphim, you dont stand as a Cherubim, you dont stand as an Angel. But, you stand as a redeemed son or daughter of God, by this Blood. You dont have to have these wings that They had. Theyre a special covering for Them in that Presence. But youve got the Blood of Jesus Christ for a covering, to stand There. Now how... Now, you, if youve got that Blood, then you honor God, you love God, you respect God; and God is the Word. Always be conscious of your littleness, not your bigness. God showed the prophet how His prepared servant must be; reverent, humble, and in action. And sometimes at that discouraging moment, if youll watch, thats when He comes around. But dont be blind enough to miss it. See? When you see everything happening the way it is in the world today, dont be afraid. See? Dont be afraid. Just--just remember, He promised to come to you. Notice, the Pillar of Fire should put us in action, as the Pillar of Fire vindicates Its promise of the last days. Jesus said, I come from God, and I go to God, and what He would do in the last days. And here He is, both scientific and spiritually, in the Word proving it, that He come from God and still remains the same. He is still God, for the promise in the last days. It should put us in actions. And among Gods people there is no big fellows. Were all children of God. God gives one of us one thing to do, and another thing to do, that dont make us any better than anybody else. Just makes God require more at your hand, is all. Oh, you cannot be clean from your sin until you confessed its sin, till you recognize its sin. Healing is based upon your faith. Gods identification is based upon the promise of His Word, but your faith in His identification is what heals you. If you dont, no matter, the holiest man in all the world could stand here and pray all day long, it wouldnt do one bit of good until you believe it, emphatically, yourself. Jesus might be standing here Himself, in the incarnate body, lay hands upon you, and still you would not get healed. How many knows that? Many mighty works He could not do because of their unbelief. Thats Scripture. Prod ID Title Language Audio Book 64-0315 Invloed AFR 64-0315 Influence ENG 64-0315 Влияние RUS 64-0315 Vplyv SLO
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 04:43:59 +0000

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