Judaism rant ahead: Like on the matter of evolution, the - TopicsExpress


Judaism rant ahead: Like on the matter of evolution, the general response in christianity is like no thats wrong thats wrong God created the world 6000 years ago blah blah blah your science is stupid, while the general response I got in Judaism most of the time was yeah, see, if you interpret this world like *this*, and this word like *this*, and read *this* rabbis interpretation of this concept and this kabbalistic hoo-hah, you see that the Torah clearly hints at evolution. The Torah contains all the truths in the universe, its all in the esoteric secrets of the 4 levels of Torah understanding and 70 secret interpretations to every line and a whole other bunch of mystical bullshit that only rabbis can understand after years of study. So like yeah, Judaism knew all about this stuff centuries before science caught up with it, Judaism is way ahead of science, which is only just catching up. Seriously, Im not kidding. This is precisely the sort of thing we were taught. And I still have no idea what rabbis base all their interpretations on. As in like, what is the basis for it? Where is the evidence for their idea of what it means? Its seriously like... they find flaws and inconsistencies in the Torah, either in the spelling or grammar or logic of the plot of the stories or just things which dont make sense, but instead of going wow, this book actually doesnt make sense, they go ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... the fact that there is this seeming contradiction is actually a HIDDEN ENCODED MESSAGE FROM GOD, and they write entire books worth of debate and explanation and interpretation of what the true meaning of contradiction is, and from it they create whole other stories about what REALLY happened to the Biblical characters that the torah left out, or they work out a thousand new laws that Jews must hence follow to restrict them 1000 times more ridiculously than before. And then they argue and nitpick over useless trivialities like how high a rope must be to encompass an area so that its considered a wall on a legal technicality for the sake of the laws against carrying objects from inside to outside on saturdays... because yeah, that makes total sense. I am not even kidding, the laws of Judaism get more and more bizarre the deeper you look o.O. But yeah, unless theyre supposed to be getting some sort of prophesy or divine inspiration, I seriously cant work out where these stories and interpretations are coming from except just out of their asses. Oh, and when the big bang was discovered, Judaism was all like hahaha look! this rabbi from 600 years ago wrote that God created the universe in an explosion! Judaism is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy ahead of science, you guys are figuring it all out the slow way, but we know the truth directly from god. I doubt dont that some rabbi probably wrote that god created the universe in an explosion, but what they conveniently fail to mention is that this is just one out of like thousands and thousands of other crazy esoteric kabbalistic bullshit which is basically some rabbis trying to get all philosophical by inventing all these crazy wacky ideas about all different planes of existence and other sort of... I guess you could say mathematical structure (as in how things are connected to each other in magic shapes and relationships) to abstract religious concepts..... but its basically like just trying to be all smart and come up with wild ideas like greek philosophers and failing miserable. Anyway, with this sort of acid-trip theology/philosophy, its only likely that someone happens to come up with some vague idea that turns out interpretable as true. And then suddenly mainstream Judaism was like yeahhh see? The Torah told us everything *all along*. Which doesnt explain why 1) This idea wasnt prevalent in mainstream Judaism before? and 2) Why there are thousands of other similarly kabbalistic ideas which are totally scientifically wrong and pretty much like the sorts of ideas one would find in a book titled Quantum Healing: A guide to your aura, except worse. (Ahhh, but science hasnt caught up yet! theyll probably claim). OH. And then theres the excuse we were told ALL THE TIME. The Torah is not a history book. The Torah is not a science book. The Torah is a book of law, its purpose is to give us laws and morals. Whenever anything in the Torah was like whaaaat? seriously? it was all like ahhh but its a *metaphor*... the important thing is that you understand the *lesson*... what seriously? So how do you know which bits are true and which are just metaphors then? Ahhh... but the rabbis tell us how to interpret things Ill tell you something. The Torah is not a science book, that actually means The science you read here is false. The Torah is not a history book, that actually means The history you read here is false. And as for a book of laws to enforce a morality, well its a fair enough one for the time it was written, but it has as much relevance to today as the Code of Hammurabi does. But of course, Judaism claims that God *purposely* wrote the laws in terms of 3000 year old concepts and ideals and values because thats the audience that he was writing for at the time, and thats why he left the rabbis in charge to be the leaders of the jewish people and to reinterpret the Torah in every generation and reapply it to the new situations that arise in every generation. Very convenient... appointed by divine authority (according to the rabbis interpretation), theyre not allowed to *change* any laws, not a single letter, of the Torah, but they can conveniently reinterpret them... and that they do, in the most bizarre ways, which leaves, as Ive mentioned before, Jews claiming they follow the Torah, when in fact if you look at the literal word of the Torah, they do nothing of the sort. Oh, but thats not what God MEANT... it SAYS put the tefillin between the eyes but it MEANS on the back of the head... it SAYS dont eat a baby goat in the milk of its mother but God MEANS that its against the rules to eat meat and milk together or even meat and milk products together or even touching each other and here is a whole book I wrote on how many minutes after eating meat you can eat milk and vice versa... (I AM NOT KIDDING, THIS IS REALLY HOW JUDAISM IS)... it SAYS we are obligated to commit genocide on the people of Amalek, we are ORDERED by God to murder every man, woman and child who is descended from Amalek... but either (interpretation 1) its just a *metaphor*, what God really MEANS is we must destroy the SPIRIT of Amalek from the world, the CONCEPT of Amalek, who came to represent things like ruthlessness, preying on the weak, tyranny, and antisemitism of course, Amalek representing the eternally irreconcilable truly pure evil unredeemable enemy of the Jews, their archnemesis, their Voldemort, their Ganondorf. So its really just saying to rid the world of evil. Isnt that nice! Doesnt that conform to modern moral norms! (interpretation 2) welllllllllllllll... we dont know who the descendants of Amalek are anymore... all the tribes and lineage is all scrambled up... soooooo I guess we cant do that commandment! Isnt that lucky! We now no longer are obligated by the ORDER OF GOD to commit genocide, something that would be very unpopular nowadays, both in the Jewish world and non-Jewish world. Good thing we have this handy excuse to not do what God says we should do! (or interpretation 3, which I just found now online, which is by Maimonides, who is the best historical rabbi I know, as in he did heaps to get rid of the superstitions in Judaism (aside from, you know, the big one) and he tried to reconcile Judaism with the general scientific (i.e. Aristotlean and other Greek philosophical) beliefs of his time, despite protests against assimilating to non-Jewish ideas, and who I really really think would totally be an atheist and a *really good* one too were he born in our day and age) what God actually MEANT was to peacefully request of them to accept upon themselves the Noachide laws and pay a tax to the Jewish kingdom and only if they refuse THEN to physically kill them. Wow Maimonides, 10 points for morality and standing up to genocide in the Torah 900 years ago, but seriously, where are you pulling this shit from? How are you just making it up? What is the *source* of these interpretations? How do you know if its true or false? And dont just say because when youre a rabbi and youve studied the Talmud for 10 years you understand how it works...... youre telling me you understand how Gods mind works? How GODS MIND WORKS???? Ahhh, but André, God LEFT the rabbis in charge, they are supposed to judge people by gods laws on earth, they are supposed to apply Gods laws on earth, right... so what makes them divine laws then? God said rabbis can make the rules... how are rabbis supposed to be infallible? The laws of Judaism precisely *are* written by humans in Judaism... the things that jews actually *do* ARE just things that men decided, not god! You know what else? I have seen this religious Jew ( I really need a word for believer of Judaism which isnt like Jew or Jewish person which is also a racial/ethnic term. I was once suggested Judaist. I like it, except its just awkward to say without explaining) simultaneously defend Judaism with 1) God is all-powerful, he sees everything in time and space, hes smarter than its possible to imagine, so when he gives you laws and says you must do this, you should do what he says, because hes already taken the future into account, and 2) well you have to understand that the Torah is a product of its *times*... it had a moral system far more advanced than anything that any other humans had at the time... you cant judge the Torah by modern day standards and morals..... OMG he was like using two different defenses of the Torah but they totally contradicted each other... like on one hand he was saying that God is beyond time so the Torah is beyond time so it applies everywhere and everywhen, and on the other hand he was arguing that the Torah cant be judged by modern standards and morals but instead has to be seen from the perspective of how things were in the world in Biblical times. Ummmmmmmmm.... no. Those two are directly contradicting! Basically, we have this modern idea that rape is wrong, (crazy, isnt it?), and this guy was like (1) --> the Torah applies to today. But rape is wrong, I said! Ahhh, but (2) --> you cant apply the modern idea of wrong to a book about a different culture and different time. Ahh, so if its to be understood from the perspective of a different culture and different time, the laws are laws written *for* that culture and that time. If we are not allowed to judge the morals of a different era, we also should be able to dismiss the moral obligations of a different era. (1) --> ahhh, but God is beyond time, the Torah applies always. And round and round the circle we go. . And therell still be people who, after all this, if they have read all this, will be thinking to themselves Calm down, just ignore André, he talks shit about religion but he doesnt know what hes talking about. Satan has gotten to him and hes just trying to get me to sin (if theyre Christian) / Hes betrayed judaism and abandoned his faith and Im not gonna let his bullshit get to me (if theyre Jewish). Because its very very hard to remove with logic what was not put there with logic. It really really is. This post is not meant to be a THIS IS WHY YOU SHOULD ALL BE ATHEIST post. This post is a here are some really shitty things in Judaism that Ive been through and in the society I grew up in they were totally normal but now in the outside world I hope that you can see how bizarre and stupid and messed up they are. And you all probably only know about Christianity so heres some shit about how things work Judaism. And just André ranting about shit. . The thing I really hate is that Judaism made me confused, telling me things totally against my logic and experiences, totally against everything else I learned in the modern world, and it left me thinking that there was nothing I could do to solve the problem. I was confused, I didnt understand how it all fit together, how Judaism and science could both be true... it used to be my dream as a child to combine both judaism and science so I could work out the truth of everything... and it was all a huge lie. The entirety of the first 17 years of my life... my entire... world... was all based on a lie. And I was so so confused, and Judaism is just content on letting you be confused. Things dont make sense? Yeah, well God is above logic. God is above morality. You cant know Gods plan. This is moral even though it seems immoral because is above morality. In other words, be satisfied with your ignorance and lack of comprehension. Be satisfied with the lack of logic. Judaism doesnt make sense, but suck it, if you have a problem with it, God is the one whos right, so YOURE the one with the problem.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 20:08:47 +0000

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