Judas was a disciple of Jesus. Jesus was a teacher to Judas. But - TopicsExpress


Judas was a disciple of Jesus. Jesus was a teacher to Judas. But Judas was greedy. He liked money than he respected the principles taught to him. He then chose the side of money and connived, lied and sold Jesus to the thugs, the thieves, fake kings and liers. As a consequence, Jesus was arrested and later crucified. What happened later to Judas was predictable for any person like him. He hanged himself. He killed himself. Few coins could not keep him alive. Few coins costed him his life. Few coins destructed and destroyed. Greediness caught up with him. The very thing will happen to all present people like Judas. Mark my words. You will say I told you. History will eat them alive and they will houl and cry endless tears whilst being burned by their very greediness and betrayal. Izwe lethu!
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 09:14:16 +0000

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