Jude 20. Sisters and Brothers, our Lord and Savior JESUS CHRIST OF - TopicsExpress


Jude 20. Sisters and Brothers, our Lord and Savior JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH saith that, But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most Holy Faith, praying in the Holy Spirit GROWING YOUR VALUE. CHRIST JESUS S statement that, except a corn of wheat falls on the ground and dies, it abides alone (John 12:24) also applies to HIMSELF. HE remained alone at the cross and died.But after HIS death, HE multiplied.HE did not multiply HIMSELF until HIS flesh was torn into pieces. In todays reading, the LORD is addressing us to take cognisance of some important things as we approach the communion table. First, all communicants must look back and forward . You must look back to the death of JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH and look.forward to HIS second coming.Do this in remembrance of me means bring to mind what I have done and what I have promised. How do you look back? To look back, there will be need to consider your worth.The value of an object is determined by its selling price.In Isaiah 42:3-4, GOD said that Israel is so . precious to HIM, that HE willingly sacrificed Egypt and Ethiopia for her.In 1 Samuel 22:6-19, David was so valuable to GOD that HE allowed 75 priests and a whole city to be destroyed because of HIM. Similarly, in 2 Samuel 18:1-3, Davids men of war told Him that he was worth more than 10, 000 of them.How valuable are you to GOD? Your value before GOD will determine the extent HE would go in fulfilling HIS promises to you.It also determines how HE will deal with your enemies. Men of GOD are of varying levels of value before GOD. If one who is of less value speaks against another one who is of a higher value, the less valuable servant of GOD will pay dearly for it. That was what happened in the case of Mariam and Moses (Numbers 12:1-16) Apart from the general value every believer has in GODS Kingdom, you can grow your value with GOD. But be ye beloved, building up yourselves on your most Holy Faith, praying in the Holy Ghost(Jude 20) You can only please GOD through Faith. This Scripture tells us that you are free to relate with GOD on any level of Faith.But if you really want to grow your value before GOD, give your Faith the best shot. Also, like James and John, to know GODS likes and dislikes and constantly obey HIM and warm your heart to GOD,not your Pastor. Some people are of great values to their Pastors but of no value to GOD. Do not turn your Pastor into an idol . cultivate GOD with quality worship and thanksgiving. Praise HIM as nobody does .Win souls to HIM and attend to what HE says is important. PRAYER POINT. Ask GOD to add value to you. If you were never appreciated for who you are, ask GOD to reverse the situation. May the GOD of Abraham Bless You. Reverend. Dr.Daniel fubara Eule. General Overseer. Seed Sowers Pentecostal Healing Ministries Germany. Telephone. + 4915751379853, + 4915753179335.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 09:19:42 +0000

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