Judge Order New Trial In Mercenaries Case …Jailed Jurors For - TopicsExpress


Judge Order New Trial In Mercenaries Case …Jailed Jurors For Fake Name By: MOHAMMED A.KROMAH Jeremy Dweh, one of the jurors hearing the case involving the eighteen Grand Gedians, has been sentenced to one month imprisonment at the Monrovia Central Prison for registering under a fake name. Giving the ruling, the judge of criminal court D, Yussuf Kaba found juror Jeremy Dweh guilty of the allegation leveled against him and has ordered that a new trial be heard. The incarceration of juror Jeremy Dweh followed a bill of information that was filed by prosecution counsel that Jeremy Dweh falsified his name to Jeremy Neufville after signing all documents with the surname Dweh. After the bill of information was filed, an investigation was launched by the court so as to ascertain the truth into the allegation. Several witnesses was produced during the investigation at criminal court D by both state and defense counsel. It can be recalled an investigation was launched by the court into this damaging allegation of juror tampering. During the investigation, Jeremy Dweh (Neufville,) accused the Solicitor General of Liberia of sending someone to him at midnight, requesting him to influence the decision at the end of the trial by rendering a guilty verdict and if he refused, he will be incarcerated. Mr. Jeremy Dweh claimed that state lawyers wanted to incarcerate him after their visit to his residence. Responding to the name “Dweh” as his surname, Jeremy Neufville, indicated that he changed his name to become a juror, after he learned that he and a girl applying to serve as juror had the same last name. The state provided the court with information that juror Neufville actual surname was Dweh and he had been planted in the jury to affect the outcome of the jury’s verdict under the pseudonym, Jeremy Neufville. Though he was accused to have been planted by the prosecution, Juror Jeremy Neufville, who accepted that his name was Jeremy Dweh, said that he and other jurors were contacted by the state lawyers to dump the case, a request, he said was refuted. Witness Neufville told the court that while he and other jurors were at the John F. Kennedy Hospital, prosecution lawyers asked him to help influence the decision with a guilty verdict.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Oct 2013 13:33:21 +0000

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