Judge Stucky denied the Petition for Writ of Prohibition in - TopicsExpress


Judge Stucky denied the Petition for Writ of Prohibition in Kanawha County circuit court today, saying that the petitioners did not present sufficient evidence for the granting of Writ of Prohibition. He did not elaborate, and he asked the DEP and coal company lawyers to write the order to which he will sign his name, so we have no way of knowing what evidence he felt was lacking. We know that many of the politicians, the courts, the law itself, and the money that drives it all is stacked against those of us who care deeply about the land we call home, about the streams and rivers that ultimately give us life, about the health of our families, friends, and communities, about the air that enters our lungs to oxygenate our blood every minute of every day of our lives. This is not a surprise to most of us. Why, really, are companies blowing up our mountains? Is it for jobs? If they cared about jobs they would be investing in long-term, healthy, sustainable jobs for our communities. Not short-term jobs that leave workers and communities sick and broken while replacing thousands of workers with machines. Is it for energy security? Then why are they shipping coal overseas to China, India, Germany? If they cared about energy security they would be investing in renewable energy sources, not dirty non-renewable fossil fuels. Why? We know why. Money. They will do anything for money, and they will tell all the lies they need to tell to and spend all the money they need to spend to continue profiting at our expense. DEP cabinet secretary Randy Huffman told us months ago if we made a mistake, well fix it but hes still allowing this illegal permit. Hes still allowing the destruction of an entire mountain, the ecosystem it supports, the clear mountain springs that flow from it. Hes still defending an illegally issued permit that will cause years of massive disturbance to Kanawha State Forest and the health and well-being of local residents. To him, this is not a mistake, it is business as usual. We are still awaiting a ruling from the WV Surface Mine Board. We are giving this process the benefit of the doubt. We are giving it a chance. The surface mine board, the courts, the governor, the DEP. We are playing their game, and they are proving to us where their allegiances lay. Like the river, we are persistent. Like the forest, we are patient. As a community, we are strong. (Photo credit: Joe Solomon) Here are some media stories about todays hearing: wchstv/…/Judge-Rules-In-Favor-Of-DEP-In-Kana… wvgazette/artic…/20141105/GZ01/141109625/1419 charlestondailymail/…/20…/DM02/141109574/1277
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 03:11:12 +0000

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