Judge at your own peril. (Thursday 11 December 2014) There is - TopicsExpress


Judge at your own peril. (Thursday 11 December 2014) There is power in the true confession of YaHWeHs Salvation, as ones Messiah.(1John 1:9) Once one confesses, then one is transformed through his minds to know the perfect will of Elohim(Romans 12:2). A week without seeing such a person, a lot could have happen in the life of that person. So how dare you judge anyone when you dont know the mind of the Spirit? You have judged the Ugandan childminder. You have judged Oscar Pistorius. You have judged your spouse, siblings and neighbours. You have judged me. Who has made you sit on a judgement seat of Moses? Have you forgotten that a true confession can easily change the destination of a person from death to life?(2Chronicles 7:14) Like in the case of Saul who became Paul, it just took him a flash of light and a few blind hours on the road to Damascus. So as the thief on the torture stick next to YaHShuas, it took him just a few words for a place into the Kingdom of YaHWeH. If you view anyone according to your thoughts on things that you think you knew from his past you are lost and a blackmailer. As you will be carrying the burden of that persons sinful deeds of the past, with the hope of reviling it at your opportune time. Then you fall victim to the spirit of judgmentalism, meanwhile YaHWeH wiped out the perpetrators transgression due to his confession.(1John 1:9) Its four years since the transgression was committed against you. Its ten years since the misunderstanding ensured between you and your husband. How come you have shut yourself out of the Kingdom due to your judging him? You know the Bible says, Judge ye not (Matthew 7 :1) In your passing Judgement, you are judging the Holy Spirit, who is greater in that individual (1John 4:4) as you doubt the capabilities of the Holy Spirit to make a meaningful change to an individual. I have heard people saying I know him well, he will never change and A leopard will never change its sports. Yes you are right about the leopard. But you are very wrong about a human being. This is a man or woman created in the image of YaHWeH. You judge him, yet your last meaningful conversation with him is longtime ago, which was free form any form of biasness or doubt. Now you are motivated by anger, bitterness, lack of trust, unbelief and refusal to acknowledge the power of the Holy Spirit on any individual. Is it confusion or not knowing the power of YaHWeH through the Holy Spirit? What is raising doubt on the possibility of change of an individual to you though your mind is it the Holy Spirit or the enemy of your progress hoodwinking you to believe that the Holy Spirit is a failure? The Bible tell us that what is impossible with man its possible with Elohim (Luke 18:27). I am not whom I used to be, yes, I am still a sinner. But judge me at your own peril. That man is not what he used to be, but if you want judge him at your own peril. If one accept YaHShua there must be some differences no matter how small the change maybe from what one used to be. The Spirit judges the condition of the heart. Do you know the condition of anyones heart to judge him? if not so my brethren stop judging others, with the same measure it will be done to you.(Matthew 7 :2) Shalom Pastor Washington Kingdom Principles Ministry Of YaHWeH Email:[email protected]
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 01:10:42 +0000

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