Judiciary is the clearest sign that India’s intellectuals have - TopicsExpress


Judiciary is the clearest sign that India’s intellectuals have not left dogma and superstitions behind. The entire legal process is commercial exploitation of our blind faith. The profession of lawyers and judges thrives on INTELLECTUAL DISHONESTY... and the best brains in the nation are cowed down by the sheer brazenness of this dishonesty. How can three sets of lies cancel each other and lead you to truth and justice? But this is exactly what you are supposed to believe, when you say, “I have full faith in judiciary”. Otherwise, it is contempt! Everybody in the courts -- and especially judges – know that lawyers on both sides earn their fees by telling half-truths, misleading the court (and the client), doctoring witnesses, seeking adjournments and stay orders, suppressing material facts, ensuring placement of their case before “friendly” benches, etc. etc... And yet we are supposed to believe that the whole thing ends in discovery of truth and administration of justice! How can that be? Judges are the most straight-faced liars, hiding behind the garb of their authority and power of contempt. They show by their daily actions that they dont care how long the accused persons stay in judicial custody, or how much suffering and injustice is caused by their orders. the number of families eroded and destroyed by the judiciary every year is in lakhs! And yet judges stoutly assert that they are guardians of our fundamental right to life-and-liberty! Shame on them? No, SHAME ON US for continuing to believe in this monumental dishonesty. If this isn’t WILLING SUSPENSION OF DISBELIEF, blind faith and superstition – I don’t know what is!
Posted on: Mon, 09 Jun 2014 05:37:28 +0000

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