Judith Collins is so corrupt, she corrupted my sleep - TopicsExpress


Judith Collins is so corrupt, she corrupted my sleep lastnight/this morning. Judith Collins in Ethiopia. Dad snoring at nan and kokos place on Milmo st in the lounge on a mattress on the floor. Judith Collins was there and we were talking about Ethiopia. She had some idea of going and retiring there soon as her days as justice minister were coming to an end. I asked why and she started explaining (over time, during the formation of the planets, earths crust had formed itself a particular way at an atomic or molecular level there and that had attracted her to the place). As we were talking, some woosh woosh cgi stuff was going on (like what they do on Cosmos) and after we were done, we found ourselves in a dark, dank, boarded window class room with barely any room to move because desks and chairs were so close together you could barely move. Two other people, both of Ethiopian ethnicity, were in the room with us. One we knew (although I dont know anybody from Ethiopia) the other was the teacher. They were discussing the classroom as the guy we knew wanted to use it for something. I wanted to check the rest of the place out as I was excited much that we got overseas without transport or trying and I was overseas but ended up staying out of respect of the situation and scene that I found myself watching. The room was alright, the desks were alright, everything was alright to the guy we knew. Then Judith Collins up and left the room and the guy followed. Teacher stayed to write stuff on the chalk board and I went over to intro and say that I recognized him from Skype (but I have no idea who he is). I went to find the kitchen cause I was hungry and found Judith Collins in there. She had a full bag of teleport jam on the bench, so I licked a bit of it wondering if Id be taken home. People I knew started popping up instead. Decided to check the rest of the place out with Haana and it was daylight outside. Mountains, waves, farm, safari. Walked in to some out of it room with an industrial warehouse feel and a robotic arm was there on standby but no conveyer belt or anything produced and packaged. Big windows. Industrial facilities outside and not a couple rugby field lengths away you could see that they dug into their mountain! They topped it, gutted it and left the foot! I asked some Ethiopian kid who happened to be standing next to us why they did that but I saw this giant block hover out of the hollowed out mountain and hover back down. I yelled Magnets! Big magnet... The kid I asked the question to said they called it Wilson. Me and Mariana yelled Wiiillllsoooooooonnnn! Dont know where Haana went. Saw some kid outside lose his pants as it was sucked up by the force of the magnet. Him and a couple others ran for the door to get inside and some weird thing happened. We stepped away from the room, a see through partition wall dropped down, the door opens, the robotic arm brought the kids in with its own magnetic force, door shuts, partition up and someone hands the kid some new pants. Then the whole place goes on lock down. A different Ethiopian kid comes crying because he has to get out to get to his piano lessons so I told him Judith Collins will teach him. He calmed down and we went to find her. Found her down the hall outside the kitchen and I explained to her what the kid wanted. Left them to it. Found koko playing his uke in the schools lounge so I sat with him while all these people were playing their own instruments but I couldnt hear any noise. Thought Id take a doze so I went to set my alarm for 9am but it wouldnt set. Then I woke up at 0902.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 23:26:26 +0000

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