Judith Rodin,and Michael Berkowitz The Rockefeller Foundation - TopicsExpress


Judith Rodin,and Michael Berkowitz The Rockefeller Foundation support to Behind the Scenes: How to Decide Where to Spend $100 Million to Dharmapuri city dear sir/ madam Resilient Cities and building Resilience city(poor city development) Judith Rodin,and Michael Berkowitz The Rockefeller Foundation support to Behind the Scenes: How to Decide Where to Spend $100 Million to Dharmapuri city in india Urgent tomy city need to poverty house change to my city name:Dharmapuri team:you support my own little organisation Green Building: A Window of Opportunity environmentally friendly construction is taking root. My dharmapuri resilience city to It is commonly assumed that green building is a high priced construction technique, a luxury affordable only to the wealthy and elite. However, green building techniques are actually comparably priced to conventional methods and also bring a host of other benefits in terms of reducing carbon emissions, water pollution, running costs and negative impacts on human health. Like many developing countries to dharmapuri city tocity, the india my dharmapuri city to are experiencing rapid population growth, urbanization and an increasing demand for energy. These demands are coupled with issues such as water scarcity, desertification, deforestation and limited public sector resources. Recent reports from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change indicate that in the coming decades, the Middle south will be the region most affected by climate change. Although the Middle south as a region contributes a small amount to global greenhouse gas emissions (only around 5 percent) the region’s percentage of total emissions is on the rise. Since 2014, emission rates have increased 150 percent and this amount is expected to double by 2050. Sustainable development is further complicated by the complex political context that is driven, in part, by scarce resources. The Safeer Children’s Center you support to benefit , a green building built by International, has 50% less power needs than similarly sized buildings nearby due to the use of green building techniques such as a grey water treatment system and low-cost sun-shades. Buildings contribute to 40 percent of energy consumption and 30 percent of carbon emissions worldwide. Due to the major impact of buildings on the environment, the my dharmapuri city Program to has city that the building sector has the greatest level of potential for “drastic emission reductions.” This presents a window of opportunity for the development community to positively impact sustainable development through changes in the way we build. In india , typical forms of new construction, operations and maintenance strategies result in negative impacts on the local environment. Moreover, nascent urban planning policies and limited enforcement of environmental laws and regulations have resulted in ad hoc construction. Green spaces are replaced by residential and commercial buildings with poor environmental performance. A rapidly increasing demand for energy, which is growing 8 percent annually, adds to dependence on nonrenewable resources. These issues, coupled with inadequate sanitation, drainage and solid waste management systems, present serious challenges. The cost debate One of the major obstacles facing green building initiatives in the india to mu dharmapuri city tois the india my dharmapuri city toof cost. Many established studies have proven that there is no significant difference in the cost of green buildings compared to traditional buildings. Green buildings can be built with small or no added costs and within the budget range of similar conventional buildings. Building green may also include the use of passive building techniques that do not automatically assume the application of “high tech” solutions alone. Moreover, any added costs are typically recovered in long-term savings in the operations of buildings. For example, at the Safeer Children’s Center, a recently constructed green building, your support to , to “From the morning until just before sunset, there is no need at all for lighting or the use of air conditioning in the summer because of the design and the large size of windows.” In its one year of operation, the center’s expenses for water and electricity have been 50 percent less than similarly sized buildings in the same area. This drastic reduction is due to the green building techniques used, ranging from a grey water treatment system installed at the site to low-cost sun-shades. Opportunities and challenges Given the fact that the receive one of the highest levels of aid in the world—more than $100 million since signing the, of which a large proportion goes to infrastructure funding—there is great potential for integrating new sustainability approaches. Green building offers a new way for infrastructure planning and implementation, beginning with site selection and extending through to construction, renovation, adaptive reuse of existing structures and the operation and maintenance of buildings. Most importantly, green building is not a foreign concept to the region and much can be learned from the environmentally responsive elements of india. You support to my dharmapuri city to city to construction strategies enabled buildings to reach required thermal comfort levels in an arid/semi-arid area and promoted compact and dense community development. Historically, local building orientation and the careful design of windows, overhangs and insulation increased solar gain in winter, reduced buildings’ heat in summer and maximized natural ventilation and lighting. Moreover, buildings were designed toward the inside to shield from bright sunlight and incorporated inner vegetated courtyards. These courtyards generated a cooler microclimate, enhanced fresh air circulation and ventilation, provided outdoor shaded areas and maximized day lighting gains. In bigger buildings, solar chimneys (wind towers) were often used to aid in heating and cooling. Although methods of you support to dharmapuri city to india building promote natural heating and cooling for structures, the application of green building design has been limited. However, with the addition of green building curriculum into indian engineering faculties, local expertise in both traditional and up-to-date green building approaches is growing. During the 2014-15 school year, courses ranging from Use of Solar Energy to Environmental Systems in Architecture were offered at major. Contractors exposed to new techniques are adopting new measures in construction efforts. As local material suppliers see demand growing, their green product range is expanding. In the past five years, the indian bank has seen many new businesses starting up with products ranging from geothermal services to grey water treatment systems. As government officials become more aware of the public sector benefits of green building, a legal framework and key incentives for investors and builders are slowly taking root. recognizing the importance of integrating green construction practices into our vision for building a viable, secure city . We must consider not only human and economic security, but in order to ensure these, we must also consider environmental security. Without ensuring that we proceed to ameliorate the effects of climate change, we cannot be assured that our efforts in construction of towns, homes—and a my dharmapuri city to city—will not be undermined.” As demonstrated in the india my dharmapuri city, climate change is a real and ongoing challenge affecting developing countries. Infrastructure development initiatives should look to green building to reduce the impact of buildings on energy consumption and climate change while also improving human health, the ability of communities to sustain construction projects and the potential for new job creation in a growing global sector. Green building does not necessarily mean using a more expensive form of building; on the contrary, it is cost-effective in pure economic terms. Green buildings often draw from traditional architecture and construction techniques, which facilitates acceptance. Potential challenges may be overcome with awareness, local skills development to my dharmapuri city todharmapuri city and governmental incentives and support. With its many advantages to human and environmental health and the economic bottom line, green building should become the standard for infrastructure initiatives implemented by the international development to my dharmapuri city My dharmapuri city to the Urban Poor, Climate Change and the Future of Cities Around the World My dharmapuri city reselince to realy change to. Most people now recognize that the unfolding dangers of climate change demand worldwide attention. But we should also be aware of the opportunities that exist within climate change adaptation to improve and transform some of the most vulnerable urban communities today. how we can future proof cities, releasing an issue brief detailing how including the urban poor in planning and decision-making processes is crucial to developing more resilient cities. the poorest of the poor in ballooning mega-cities around the world, are living on the edge physically, economically, and politically: in coastal cities, on hazard-prone areas, without rights to their land, with little savings, without identity or a right to their cities. They also represent the communities that will be hit hardest by climate change, placing them on the front lines of the scramble to adapt and mitigate its impacts HFs recent experiences my dharmapuri city reselince to provide a useful lesson about the value, and measurable impact, of planning not for, but with the urban poor in one of the worlds most populated regions. Near TAMILNADU statethe city of DHARMAPURI city tois the eighth largest metropolis in my dharmapuri city with a population of about five million people -- and 1 million of them live in slums. By 2025, the population of the TAMILNADU to my dharmapuri citymega region is expected to hit nearly 50 million people. India where we helped support both local governments and the urban poor in exploring the conditions of their communities in order to take action -- a skill that will be increasingly needed in the face of climate change. We engaged 5,000 volunteer slum dwellers to survey the socio-economic conditions of their peers across the city. Entering this information into a Geographic Information System (GIS) that we developed with the local government, we then gave back the data to community volunteers and taught them how to organize neighborhood action plans supported by their findings. In two years, having mobilized their own resources and those of the local government, 130 slum communities in TAMILNADU implemented projects that they wanted, and on their terms. The improvements included a solid waste management program, better water connections, sanitation access, and the development of renewable energy sources. During this same period, the DHARMAPURI TO TAMILNADU city authorities began implementing a disaster management plan as part of a climate change adaptation strategy. They put in place programs to restore natural drainage, reduce river pollution and encroachment, and extend bridges. The city also introduced property tax incentives to encourage households to use rainwater harvesting. Flooding decreased in the city, and TAMILNADU has been recognized for the tangible results they achieved. But even more importantly, the citys leaders should also be recognized for their progressive approaches towards working with their marginalized slum communities. In 2014, I had the chance to see first hand the impacts of the programs we implemented with the TAMILNADU Municipal Corporation and meet with city officials. It is clear that many leaders within the city government share our approach to creating lasting impacts: poor and vulnerable communities must be included in and empowered by solutions. The vulnerability of slum communities has by no means been solved yet in TAMILNADU, but by championing this approach forward, we know that there will be a legacy of empowerment behind every brick and mortar solution. The urban poor are incredibly resourceful populations, who have their own resources, networks, and the proven capacity to save and invest in the betterment of their communities, if only given the chance. Its up to us to offer it. Climate change creates a stimulus for action; we must ride that momentum to help city governments revisit the vulnerability of these communities and reimagine solutions that improve livelihoods and living conditions. Emergency good toilet need to My dharmapuri city reselince realy change my dharmapuri city to urgent need to your suppoer need to me critical moment around the globe to my think about and act on ways to future proof our world against a variety of environmental and climate-related concerns -- especially in our most vulnerable urban regions. In a previous post, I spoke about the opportunities that exist within climate change adaptation to improve and transform slum communities, and how planning not for, but with, the urban poor can curb the cycle of poverty. Global Communities has applied a similar approach in another part of the world my dharmmapuri city where about half of the urban population lives in you support to my dharmapuri city with water is fitting this discussion. As we know, water plays a key role in good hygiene and sanitation. In slums -- typically characterized by poor land conditions, high density population, and a lack of adequate government services -- the additional challenge of limited access to clean and treated water can pose serious health and safety implications. These were the conditions that spurred the Water Access, Sanitation and Hygiene for the Urban Poor program, you -supported urban water and sanitation project in my dharmapuri reselince programme In my dharmapuri reselince programme to the water supply has declined significantly since the late 1990s as urban population density increased tremendously. This has led to water rationing. Most households in my dharmapuri city to in-house water connections receive water at most twice a week, although many areas now go for weeks without any water at all. Daunting conditions, to be sure. But at Global Communities, along with YOUR , we are implementing many innovative ways to ameliorate this situation and improve hygiene and sanitation for slum dwellers in INDIA One such innovation ONLY TO RESELIENCE TO MY CITY Back of biofil latrine showing digester. Biofil is a greener, safer, and more cost effective way to manage human waste. YOU SUPPORT TO the benefits of a flush toilet system with those of composting toilets, in that solid waste is degraded, decomposed and converted into rich, safe soil -- courtesy of living organisms which include both micro-organisms, such as bacteria, and macro-organisms, such as earthworms, which are housed in a section of the facility. The system also makes hand-washing an easy and integral part of the process through a hand-washing facility that is connected to the toilet, which turns the water a person uses to wash their hands into the water that flushes away the waste. YOU SUPPORT TO THE has proven economically and environmentally-friendly in the hard-scrabble regions of my dharmapuri city reselince programme to , especially where water supply is at risk; where services to maintain sewers or septic system services are inconsistent or absent; and where buildings are challenged by adverse soil, like clay or solid rock. Since 2014 of the toilets have been installed in the my dharmapuri city to neighborhoods.. And theyve had a transformative effect. In DECEMBER 2014, YOU SUPPORT NEED TO Communities celebrated World Water Day at the my dharmapuri city home of you support to benefits of her my dharmapuri city reporting that her family of 15 now uses only 36 liters of water to wash their hands and flush the toilet for a whole week. This compares to a modern western toilet which uses around six liters per flush and older models which used to use up to 30 liters per flush. Another YOUR SUPPORT TO ANY QUALITY TOILET recipient in TOILET lived in a compound that lacked adequate space for a conventional septic tank or latrine. However, the more compact and modern NEW toilet fit within his living space. He and his family have benefited from their NEW system for two years now. A key part of Global Communities collaborative model is ensuring an economic benefit for the people within the communities where we work. To that end, the NEW Digester is a system made by my dharmapuri city reselince to. The toilet was manufactured locally, using locally-sourced materials. Biofil system: sink waste water is used to flush toilet. Others within the community are reaping economic benefits, too. The toilets have helped YOU TO farmers as the byproducts are used as fertilizers and soil conditioners. The system has a simple yet effective drain field, or perforated pipes, that distribute bio-filtered waste directly to vegetation or farmyards. And other locals have developed businesses in aquaculturing, in which they grow the earthworms used in the system and use or sell them to feed fish or seed new toilet installations. Through the introduction of a simple, replicable and affordable sanitation system that protects the land and yields positive benefits for homeowners, farmers and local businesses, the WASH-UP project represents something worth celebrating this TO RESELIENCE CITY TO ROCKE FELLER YOU SUPPORT TO . Its curbing pollution, keeping slum residents healthy and helping eliminating diseases like cholera, dysentery, and scabies. And its an efficient program to boot. To date, 2,700 households involved in the project now have connections to safe, piped water. By showing what is possible through modern toilet technology, WASH-UP has made a life-changing difference for residents and stakeholders in slum communities within Accra. Its yet another way that Global Communities is working to bring about sustainable changes that improve the lives and livelihoods of the vulnerable Yours truly m.prabu MA.BL
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 07:53:52 +0000

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