Juice yourself to Good Health. Unicity x aumb59 . Sep - TopicsExpress


Juice yourself to Good Health. Unicity x aumb59 . Sep 27 to bcc: me Body Detoxification (use of Plant power & Natural enzymes in arrestingAcidity depression,Sleep Apnea,BP,Diabetes & other Ailments) I have been blogging in my Timeline about Health.Enzyme,Digestion, Medication,Food(self)poisoning of Human Body thru the food that we continuously partake.I am not requesting you to buy chlorophyll from my account as it will make me rich.I am only sharing what I have already learnt from the You tube & personal experience. All misery can be avoided if you can keep your Colon clean,Make a water melon juice + add Lean Complete (a food Supplement to take care of your Heart condition + sleep Apnea+ BP+ blood sugar) youtu.be/xLadLL-2LHA Friends,I have been delving into the details of Natural Process to detoxify our Body from the tribal folklore/ Ayurveda. Many food contains Toxin, that remain in our Body,after ingestion .l am only interested to let you know just where we all went wrong and/or failed to guard ourselves from being made stupid. Watch this Video as Re-education from an expert---- a Research Scientist of International fame: (Power Of Plants; Enzymes, Depression, & Disease Reversal )39min : youtu.be/RXj95S2LBro Listen carefully, this is an important announcement about your health. Did you know that cancer cells thrive and flourish in acidic Blood and yet they cease to exist in an alkaline state. Yes! They cease to Exist in alkaline blood! Your body is made up of 65% water, water in any Environment needs to have a healthy balance. Are you suffering from Arthritis, osteoporosis, headaches, constipation, heartburn , fatigue or Just feel plain sick and tired. (hidden Toxins in our Food) ----45 min :youtu.be/ZTvI_zcpD3U These are clear sign/ indicators that your body is out of balance and over-acidic and filled with Toxins Take a glass of water and add (1 x teaspoon) Super Chlorophyll + (1 Teaspoon )Baking Powder and churn into solution.This will not only rid the body of these harmful acids but also bring your pH Level of Circulation back into an alkaline balance. Making you feel better ,get more active and energetic.Have this early in the morning in empty Stomach just you go on Morning /Evening Walk (Twice Daily). (Super Chlorophyll) 1/(Benefits of S/Chlorophyll) : youtu.be/lG145HdsSkU 2/(The Green Healer, Natures Very Own Miracle Cure) : youtu.be/6fl8kcpg954 3/(Drinking Baking Soda for Health Benefits : youtu.be/MKC45xXVKKc 4/ Extraordinary Uses for Baking Soda youtu.be/D0zn0Hsfnpo 5/(Acidic Blood vs Alkaline Blood) :youtu.be/9vhHe55s9rg Let me get your Doctors Report,meanwhile please take Red Keraline Rice + Lentils + Amul Butter( to soothen your small Intestine)+ Mashed Boiled Potato for Lunch and Dinner Gautam Bhattacharjee https://facebook/koolgb999 https://plus.google/+aumb59i/posts https://linkedin/in/koolgb Skype : koolgb Attachments area Preview YouTube video Jay Kordich Makes Watermelon Juice Preview YouTube video Power Of Plants; Enzymes, Depression, & Disease Reversal Preview YouTube video Hidden Toxins In Food Preview YouTube video Super Chlorophyll Benefits Preview YouTube video UNICITYs Super Chlorophyll - the Green Healer,Natures Very Own Miracle Cure Preview YouTube video Drinking Baking Soda for Health Benefits | How To Improve Your Health Preview YouTube video 5 Extraordinary Uses for Baking Soda Preview YouTube video Acidic Blood vs Alkaline Blood Click here to Reply or Forward 3.02 GB (20%) of 15 GB used Manage ©2014 Google - Terms - Privacy Last account activity: 1 hour ago Details
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 07:14:38 +0000

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