Jul. 4. PAUL WRITES LETTER TO THE CHURCH AT EPHESUS. Eph. 1:1, 2 Ephesus was the capital city of the Roman province of Asia located on the Asiatic coast east and across the Mediterranean Sea from Athens, Greece. Paul had spent more than two years there during his third missionary journey. He had to leave because of intense opposition from the followers of the goddess Diana. The Ephesian elders had met with Paul at Miletus as he was ending his third journey. It is thought that Paul wrote letters to the churches at Ephesus and Colossae and to his friend Philemon about A.D. 62 soon after his imprisonment in Rome. They were delivered by Tychicus and Onesimus as Onesimus, the run-away slave returned to his master, Philemon. The letter to the Ephesians, who were Gentiles did not have a specific theme, but was probably intended as a general letter to be read to the churches in various locations. As in the letter to the Romans, this letter contains much basic information about the plan and purpose of the church. It points out the oneness of Christ and salvation by grace through faith. He also places special emphasis upon earthly relationships as they relate to the church. As he began his letter, Paul identified himself as an apostle and its writer. Even if he had intended it to be circulated among several churches, he addressed it to the saints at Ephesus. All Christians are saints.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 23:02:52 +0000

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