Jules Manson6 months ago (edited) HOW TO RENDER THE POLICE STATE - TopicsExpress


Jules Manson6 months ago (edited) HOW TO RENDER THE POLICE STATE POWERLESS The only mission of the state should be to shelter common citizens from internal conflict or external aggression and nothing more else it oversteps its delegated (by the people) boundaries building a privileged and protected class for example as demonstrated with corporatism by over-regulation which slants public policies greatly in favor of an oligarchy. Employees of the government NEVER have the authority to deprive you of any rights unless they really are motivated by an urgent closely related need to protect another person from murder, physical harm, theft, or fraud. This is rarely the case when police detain or arrest common citizens. Under most cases people are arrested for benign or victimless offenses such as for possessing or distributing illicit substances. How can there be a crime when there is no victim? At what point do we exercise our rights to fight back with force when we witness the unjustified brutal subjugation of ourselves or others by the state? It is for such reasons that all cops should be shot on sight for the mere reason that they voluntarily protect and serve an illegitimate government instead of actually defending the constitutionally protected natural rights of every single human being, If we are ever to serve on a jury for a defendant charged with having committed any crime (yes murder too) for any reason against any gun carrying agents (police, sheriff, FBI, ATF, Secret Service, DEA, etc.) of the state or any elected politicians who betrayed our trust, it is our duty to always vote not guilty despite the evidence to make certain such very courageous heroes walk out of court with their now anemic liberties intact. That is because there is a higher principle that must be upheld -- it is the common man that must be protected from the tyranny of an oppressive institution; not its abusive agents. This is how we demonstrate to the police state that the people are now in charge and their questionable conduct will no longer be tolerated.
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 05:29:57 +0000

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