Julia had surgery today to replace her central line with a port - TopicsExpress


Julia had surgery today to replace her central line with a port and we also had her gtube taken out. What amazing progress we have made this last year. The gtube was bothering Jules a lot the last couple weeks so she is very happy to have it out. Shes already moving around and so much more active than usual. The dressing changes for the central line were a nightmare so needless to say, David and I are so excited to not have to maintain it any more. Hopefully she will never need it again! Of course, Julia came out of surgery like a champ. Almost right after she woke up, she asked her dad if she can go to work with him;-) All next week, she will be starting low dose chemo at the clinic and she will also be testing to see if she is still HAMA positive. Last year on Thanksgiving, Julia had just been diagnosed and had completed one round of high dose chemo. I cant believe how far shes come in the last year. She has endured so much suffering and pain yet she never stops smiling. She continues to shine Gods light to everyone around her. I am so proud and thankful to have such a brave, strong, and courageous little girl. My love for her grows more everyday. I am thankful for being able to spend time with and enjoy my kids. Im thankful for my amazing friends and Im especially thankful for each and every one of you. Every time I think back on this past year, I honestly wonder how I got through it. God is so good! He blessed us with the most wonderful angels who have come into our lives in many different ways. And we continue to get blessings to this day. Just when I start feeling exhausted and I feel like I cant go on, God sends an angel to lift my spirits and help me carry on. I was at the grocery store the other day filling up my cart with goodies for Thanksgiving dinner when some lady comes up to me and asked me if I was Julias mom. She said to me I just want you to know that I read your blog and I think youre amazing. Then she handed me a gift card to the grocery store and went on her way. I was speechless. I almost cried right there. You all have touched my life in more ways than you can imagine. I wish so much that I can personally thank all of you who have helped our family in some way. Just know that we are eternally grateful. Our daughter is fighting the biggest fight of her life and she is able to do that because of your help. I know many cancer families that lose everything they have and go in debt because of their sick child. We are beyond blessed that we are not in that situation. And with your help, we are able to do everything we can to help Julia beat this nasty disease! Exodus 16:26 “If you will diligently listen to the voice of the LORD your God, and do that which is right in his eyes, and give ear to his commandments and keep all his statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you that I put on the Egyptians, for I am the LORD, your healer.”
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 08:00:20 +0000

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